Wednesday, October 28, 2009

oh thats right ive got a blog...

my bad
so i guess instead of an eleventh post celebration i just forgot about the blog
pretty sweet

good thing you guys have been checking back like 8 or 9 times per day

yeah so here we go
it turns out that mcmaster has a radio station and theres a chance that i can get my own radio show! yeah i know, i freaked out too
steve on the radio

pounds of awesome: the radio broadcast
playing what i want
yeah the name is still a work in progress...but w.e its probably going to be super metal

yeah anyways, so the lots of homework part of mac is really balls, but the rest of it is sick
EG arkells last friday. sooooo good. shit myself a lot. seriously they were so good
yeah ksweet

umm yeah halloween this weekend:
1 bens or something friday
2 TO on saturday with the chaps from BFord
3 oh yeah i dont have a costume...might go out as a douche (popped collar, trucker hat, etc). but im not really sure. pretty rough

k yeah just a math test...brains not working very well. ima cop out right now

right now: watching freaks and geeks lol
new: pirated a lot of meshuggah, going to do that at some point

shout out?
k shouting out doug piper, aka 100% of the fan base that i know about. im NOT doing the shout out because he gave me a shout out last week, but because i was actually going to give him a shout out anyways, but he beat me to the punch. i swear thats how it happened. yeah anyways, check his blog, its really solid
ill do a better shout out when i have more time / brain capacity / run out of people to shout out

sweet go team
k ill do a decent post in a few days, ie a one dozenth post spectacular
or something to that extent


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