Friday, October 23, 2009

10th post extravaganza!




Concerned citizen: hey steve did you ever in your wildest dreams think that the blog would make it to 10 (fairly) successful posts?

Steve: not at all. i really didnt think that this bad boy had much of a chance, but we did it and so happy for the little blog. this is good stuff right here. really good stuff.

Concerned citizen: yeah man, i know i check back here like 3 or 4 times a day to see if theres been another update to the blog. IM super happy about this

Steve: yeah, but you really should be checking at least 8 or 9 times a day. you never know when awesomes going to strike


thats right

the tenth post

friggin metal and two thirds

let it wash over you for a minute


k heres the actual post, in a concentrated, no-nonsense form, for your pleasure

School: balls
3 Inches Of Blood: (was that in the last post?...w.e) SUPER metal
CASBYs yesterday: gigantically metal. got into the VIP zone. saw and met the arkells. did the after party and got on the radio
Arkells tonight: going to be super badass. definitely going to rock the balls out of 1280
Bradford tomorrow?: yeah probably. definitely going to rock


Right now: I Am The Highway - Audioslave
A Lot: Talk Show Host - Radiohead. what can i say? im a sucker for romeo and juliet
New: Not very much. Meshuggahs I song/album is on deck tho
Old that rocks: Audioslave, the album. super badass, why dont i listen to this more? which is what i think every time i hear it

Id like to give a big ol shout out to all of the readers out there. even though i have no idea who you are or how many (if any) people are reading this thing. but yeah if anyones reading this, they probably rock at least a little. yup. anonymous readers, enjoy this moment.

k thats about as mushy as im going to get for a while.

back to our regularly scheduled rock

yeah man. reeeally good stuff right here.

here we go
food. tv. arkells. rock.

yeah check back for the (10 + 10/10)th post super-extravaganza-core-bonanza
its bound to rock at least one tenth harder than everyday life does

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