Tuesday, October 20, 2009

high levels of metal: a post


3 inches of blood is super duper solid
like theyre so solid that it doesnt matter that i just used the phrase super duper to describe them
the first band that played was a ginormously emo band called cancer to capricorn. super emo. they honestly might have been one of the best parts of the night. they were just that balls
check it http://www.myspace.com/cancertocapricorn
i loled
you probably will too

umm mike won like 8 dollars and got to touch cam pipes. that was really badass.

k yeah

f engineering. i probably should be doing some sort of work right now. w.e this is better

k seriously check out cancer to capricorn. im listening to them right now and its mildly making my day

but yeah physics test tonight, only a moderate amount of work due this week and arkells on friday. looking like a pretty solid week

also! i recently put a definition onto urbandictionary. see if you can spot it, and vote it up. this one needs to be the official definition

right now: another way to survive - cancer to capricorn LOL
new stuff: just stole catch thirtythree by meshuggah off of dc++, so that album
way too much: talk show host - radiohead. yeah still. w.e its a good song

so it seems that this little blog is picking up some steam and its been recommended that i do some sort of shout out right now
k this is the first shout out ever, be excited

shout out #1
umm not really sure what her name actually is...i think its like jo-ann or like karen or something aka Modest Mouse 126.
k heres the shout out portion
shes singlehandedly responsible for the fact that like no one knows my real name and just calls me modest or modest mouse (which are almost always followed by a "why is that guy called modest?"). pretty solid. umm for people wondering the name is because we both are into such excellent bands as modest mouse (and other ones like interpol and she wants revenge and meshuggah. dont lie. they rock). shes picking up on the steve way of speaking pretty well too lol. its metal and a half

solid. pretty good shout out for my first attempt.

yeah so keep checking back, because my 10th post anniversary post will be up as soon as i have some spare time

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