Friday, October 16, 2009

Ulcer Inbound

hey steve its friday night, what are you doing?
you going to the toga party conveniently located only 2 flights down from your room?
are you going to the huge engineering hooray exams are balls kegger?
are you spending your friday night doing laundry and studying for a stupid econ test thats saturday morning at 9am?
did you JUST have a giant chem test like 3 hours ago?
then f your life!


thats steve right now

super fml

umm courses are sweet i spose...tonnnnssssss of work

right now: The Roots - FCG
too much: loootsssss of live radiohead
newish: Talk Show Host - Radiohead. not really new, but its not on any of the albums, so i dont have it on my itunes

soooooo shit

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