Sunday, November 1, 2009

right on it / halloween adventures

#12 right on time

i know im excited too

anyways yeah adventures

lazy day at school, watched a lot of futurama
heres the situation: party at bens up the mountain somewhere, agndrews at his house near charlie west and not picking up his phone and im at res. solid. my neighbor sam ended up coming, because this night had "ADVENTURES" written all over it. like you could taste it
so we took a series of buses to mohawk to bens party, pretty badass
so we did the bus thing pretty much all around hamilton and arrived at mohawk, only to be greeted by some loud caveman dude with no shoes, ben, which was sweet. also it turns out that hamilton smells terrible everywhere
so there was only like 8 people when we got there, so it kinda sucked. we ended going to 2 other random, really sketchy parties. pretty exciting
so the rest of the night was us walking around / trying to choke down a jack and coke (which is terrible and no one should drink that) / listening to random agndrew bands and meshuggah
then jamming to holly springs disaster on the way back to mac. pretty good time

sooo much transit
did the york thing with angie, smart and wes
partied at angies for a minute then to some other party somewhere else in the york student village thing
the realy party was actually pretty sick. until it got incredibly crammed and the cops came, that was kind of a not great time. we didnt get busted or anything, but it was a big inconvenience
oh yeah and we got mcdonalds, it was incredibly delicious
oh yeah and it was really cold
oh and it was in the jane and finch area, so it was moderately shady. not a lot, but moderately
i ended up getting really quality sleep on the floor, like i was surprised, it was good
pretty cool
no church st tho. which would have been very entertaining, but probably not worth it overall
good stuff anyhow

picked up some great canadian bagel (or some store like that) breakfast and took the bus back to the hammer
pretty much been watching futurama since i got im doing this

im watching all of futurama right now that i downloaded from DC++ and im planning on doing all of the simpsons when im done this. ALL of the simpsons. i just downloaded like 40 gigs from DC++. its going to nuts and a half

Listening to (watching) right now: Futurama season 3 christmas special
A lot: Futurama
New: Listened to Catch 33 by meshuggah on the way to York yesterday, it was a good time

no real idea...umm lets do angie, because she was going to start a blog as well, but she hasnt yet. pretty brutal sir. theres dougs blog and my blog but not really an angie blog yet. so when you see her walking down the street, stop her and tell her that she needs to get on this.

yeah pretty sweet
check back really often, i might start being on time with posts now

OH YEAH, 2 more things
1. at angies party i met like 3 people that were on E, it was really sick
2. its mo-vember this month, so ill be growing my dirt stache out. check back in a bit, it will be pretty epic

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