Wednesday, October 14, 2009

back to the ol grind

yeah my bad definitely havent posted in a while umm no computer over the weekend and tons of work at school is definitely sweet.

k yeah compact version of thanksgiving. pretty sick, i saw the fam and a bunch of people, had a driving lesson and had a sweet jam with sean and nick. sick. also saw the kitties, which is like the best part lol

umm the work is definitely starting to set in right now, so the blogs might be even more lackluster than they already are, so dont be surprised

k so i forgot that successful blogs generally consist of hilarious rants, so here goes...
umm im so sick of airline food! like its so shit, they put you in this little box for 3 hours and just expect you to eat a complimentary sandwich and some sort of free juice or pop! and snacks too. like whats the deal with that? and with airplane food, you dont have leftovers, you return trips or something like that. something like a pun
oh yeah and the seats are really cramped...that seriously pisses me off
sweet. not bad

the songs
listening to right now: A Good Man - Rival Boys and Idioteque (Live) - Radiohead
listening to way too much: live radiohead on youtube. check radiohead like in the basement or something, its really badass


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