Wednesday, October 28, 2009

oh thats right ive got a blog...

my bad
so i guess instead of an eleventh post celebration i just forgot about the blog
pretty sweet

good thing you guys have been checking back like 8 or 9 times per day

yeah so here we go
it turns out that mcmaster has a radio station and theres a chance that i can get my own radio show! yeah i know, i freaked out too
steve on the radio

pounds of awesome: the radio broadcast
playing what i want
yeah the name is still a work in progress...but w.e its probably going to be super metal

yeah anyways, so the lots of homework part of mac is really balls, but the rest of it is sick
EG arkells last friday. sooooo good. shit myself a lot. seriously they were so good
yeah ksweet

umm yeah halloween this weekend:
1 bens or something friday
2 TO on saturday with the chaps from BFord
3 oh yeah i dont have a costume...might go out as a douche (popped collar, trucker hat, etc). but im not really sure. pretty rough

k yeah just a math test...brains not working very well. ima cop out right now

right now: watching freaks and geeks lol
new: pirated a lot of meshuggah, going to do that at some point

shout out?
k shouting out doug piper, aka 100% of the fan base that i know about. im NOT doing the shout out because he gave me a shout out last week, but because i was actually going to give him a shout out anyways, but he beat me to the punch. i swear thats how it happened. yeah anyways, check his blog, its really solid
ill do a better shout out when i have more time / brain capacity / run out of people to shout out

sweet go team
k ill do a decent post in a few days, ie a one dozenth post spectacular
or something to that extent


Friday, October 23, 2009

10th post extravaganza!




Concerned citizen: hey steve did you ever in your wildest dreams think that the blog would make it to 10 (fairly) successful posts?

Steve: not at all. i really didnt think that this bad boy had much of a chance, but we did it and so happy for the little blog. this is good stuff right here. really good stuff.

Concerned citizen: yeah man, i know i check back here like 3 or 4 times a day to see if theres been another update to the blog. IM super happy about this

Steve: yeah, but you really should be checking at least 8 or 9 times a day. you never know when awesomes going to strike


thats right

the tenth post

friggin metal and two thirds

let it wash over you for a minute


k heres the actual post, in a concentrated, no-nonsense form, for your pleasure

School: balls
3 Inches Of Blood: (was that in the last post?...w.e) SUPER metal
CASBYs yesterday: gigantically metal. got into the VIP zone. saw and met the arkells. did the after party and got on the radio
Arkells tonight: going to be super badass. definitely going to rock the balls out of 1280
Bradford tomorrow?: yeah probably. definitely going to rock


Right now: I Am The Highway - Audioslave
A Lot: Talk Show Host - Radiohead. what can i say? im a sucker for romeo and juliet
New: Not very much. Meshuggahs I song/album is on deck tho
Old that rocks: Audioslave, the album. super badass, why dont i listen to this more? which is what i think every time i hear it

Id like to give a big ol shout out to all of the readers out there. even though i have no idea who you are or how many (if any) people are reading this thing. but yeah if anyones reading this, they probably rock at least a little. yup. anonymous readers, enjoy this moment.

k thats about as mushy as im going to get for a while.

back to our regularly scheduled rock

yeah man. reeeally good stuff right here.

here we go
food. tv. arkells. rock.

yeah check back for the (10 + 10/10)th post super-extravaganza-core-bonanza
its bound to rock at least one tenth harder than everyday life does

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

high levels of metal: a post


3 inches of blood is super duper solid
like theyre so solid that it doesnt matter that i just used the phrase super duper to describe them
the first band that played was a ginormously emo band called cancer to capricorn. super emo. they honestly might have been one of the best parts of the night. they were just that balls
check it
i loled
you probably will too

umm mike won like 8 dollars and got to touch cam pipes. that was really badass.

k yeah

f engineering. i probably should be doing some sort of work right now. w.e this is better

k seriously check out cancer to capricorn. im listening to them right now and its mildly making my day

but yeah physics test tonight, only a moderate amount of work due this week and arkells on friday. looking like a pretty solid week

also! i recently put a definition onto urbandictionary. see if you can spot it, and vote it up. this one needs to be the official definition

right now: another way to survive - cancer to capricorn LOL
new stuff: just stole catch thirtythree by meshuggah off of dc++, so that album
way too much: talk show host - radiohead. yeah still. w.e its a good song

so it seems that this little blog is picking up some steam and its been recommended that i do some sort of shout out right now
k this is the first shout out ever, be excited

shout out #1
umm not really sure what her name actually is...i think its like jo-ann or like karen or something aka Modest Mouse 126.
k heres the shout out portion
shes singlehandedly responsible for the fact that like no one knows my real name and just calls me modest or modest mouse (which are almost always followed by a "why is that guy called modest?"). pretty solid. umm for people wondering the name is because we both are into such excellent bands as modest mouse (and other ones like interpol and she wants revenge and meshuggah. dont lie. they rock). shes picking up on the steve way of speaking pretty well too lol. its metal and a half

solid. pretty good shout out for my first attempt.

yeah so keep checking back, because my 10th post anniversary post will be up as soon as i have some spare time

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ulcer Inbound

hey steve its friday night, what are you doing?
you going to the toga party conveniently located only 2 flights down from your room?
are you going to the huge engineering hooray exams are balls kegger?
are you spending your friday night doing laundry and studying for a stupid econ test thats saturday morning at 9am?
did you JUST have a giant chem test like 3 hours ago?
then f your life!


thats steve right now

super fml

umm courses are sweet i spose...tonnnnssssss of work

right now: The Roots - FCG
too much: loootsssss of live radiohead
newish: Talk Show Host - Radiohead. not really new, but its not on any of the albums, so i dont have it on my itunes

soooooo shit

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

back to the ol grind

yeah my bad definitely havent posted in a while umm no computer over the weekend and tons of work at school is definitely sweet.

k yeah compact version of thanksgiving. pretty sick, i saw the fam and a bunch of people, had a driving lesson and had a sweet jam with sean and nick. sick. also saw the kitties, which is like the best part lol

umm the work is definitely starting to set in right now, so the blogs might be even more lackluster than they already are, so dont be surprised

k so i forgot that successful blogs generally consist of hilarious rants, so here goes...
umm im so sick of airline food! like its so shit, they put you in this little box for 3 hours and just expect you to eat a complimentary sandwich and some sort of free juice or pop! and snacks too. like whats the deal with that? and with airplane food, you dont have leftovers, you return trips or something like that. something like a pun
oh yeah and the seats are really cramped...that seriously pisses me off
sweet. not bad

the songs
listening to right now: A Good Man - Rival Boys and Idioteque (Live) - Radiohead
listening to way too much: live radiohead on youtube. check radiohead like in the basement or something, its really badass


Saturday, October 10, 2009


bradford for the weekend

Thursday, October 8, 2009

36 hours of fml

math midterm tomorrow and various assignments due along the way
plus tons of class
and im missing going home on friday because of the midterm, meaning im missing thanksgiving friday at the VI
really shit

on another note
i definitely started watching arrested development yesterday. it rocks really hard
good stuff

k better blog in a few days after i have a less fml life
oh wait, its midterm season
be back in like a month (N)

song list
listening to right now: arrested development season 1 episode 3
listening to way too much: live radiohead on youtub. super duper metal
new song: talk show host by radiohead. not really a new song, but ive only heard it a handful of times before


Monday, October 5, 2009

the fourth post, aka definitely dont want to be working right now


this site really needs a traffic counter, because i need to know how many thousands of people are checking this bad boy out

yeah the fourth post

umm the blog site itself is still a work in progress, meaning ive got better things to do than try to make the page look writing the shit out of the fourth blog

the works starting to pile up right now and probably the most irritating part about it is that ive got a midterm this friday (thanksgiving friday) at 7pm. super shit

yeah alls good i suppose. for those hangers on, progress has stalled on the nosferatu score. its not that ive run out ideas per se, but every time i try to work on something i just spend the whole time playing and making really weird sounding instruments, effectively getting me nowhere

listening to right now: some kind of monster - metallica
new song thats pretty cool: is this love - sounds exactly like pull me under its sweet
listening to way too much: bleed - meshuggah...again
old song that i forgot is cool: wet sand - rhcp. OMG I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS SONG

pretty metal

yeah come back. post numero 5 is looking pretty good right now