Sunday, March 7, 2010

lol right....

oh hey...whats going on?

me? not too much. you know, living life and stuff. not too much.

you been good? thats good. ive been kinda busy and whatnot.

where have i been? wait are you saying that its been a month since the last post? oh jeeze i had no idea, i been at school. and home for reading week i guess. and school for a long time as well.


yeah man so im just going to pretend like i havent not posted in a month. like that last one was so darn good i figured youd need a minute to recover...lets go with that


so yeah like probably was saying, ive been doing a lot of school. like going on adventures, then blogging about said adventures takes a lot of time. time that i dont really have right now, because i would like to get back to mac for year 2.

also there will probably be a lack of decent grammar again. im writing this in like sections where i have some free time. also continuity errors. you can probably count on those

at least some things wont change.

alright enough apologies.

strap in.

so as a couple of you have noticed, steve is now "plus 2 to casts" or something to that extent, and im betting that a lot of you are wondering why.

on saturday night i went to this already in progress, semi legit bonfire in this forest that turns out to be right beside campus. i had no idea. its pretty nice.

so i met paul and cassie and we trekked down this like icy like dirt road / hill to this like fire pit area thingy where katie, banjo and tomas were already like hanging out / making smores and having a good campfire time. as we arrive i noticed some bandits who just robbed a bank were about to hurt some puppies and other small animals. i had to step in. so i ran at them and kicked all of their asses. but i actually kicked their asses like too hard, and i rolled my ankle when i was curbstomping one of the dudes on a log and i sprained it.

thats definitely what happened. . .

we also saw some deer and banjo had one like half run at him. pretty successful mission

so when i got to my room like 2 hours later i was relieved to learn that the area around that bone that sticks out from the side of your foot had grown to like 5 times its normal width. and i had thought that i hurt myself. silly me.

so yeah next morning i got efrt to escort me to the hospital because she was starting to hurt a buttload. long story short: i got to spend my afternoon in the hamilton ER waiting room. gooood times. i still maintain that hamilton is suuuper sketchy. and that im in the wrong program at mac. those nurses were friggin hot. but i engineering probably has some perks that i havent discovered least i hope so.

so longer story shorter, its tuesday at 12:33am (basically monday), i have crutches, my foot has a large bruise running down the side of it and my foot is really swollen. and as peter put it so well, it looks like i have a cankle on one of my feet. good stuff. bonus: its now 1:07 am and i just noticed that my toe is starting to bruise. gooood stuff

slash. im going to cut this one kinda short, so that i can get it posted, i feel kinda bad. ill do some more stuff tho

yep, so heres a steves patented report on: Dirty Dogs saloon / goodtimes adventure spot.

what this means to the casual reader is that like 2 weeks or so ago i went to a country bar. in hamilton. and, most importantly, it was sleazier than the VI. i know, i didnt think that such a thing could exist. but it does.

so yeah i went with carol, jackie, sam, miranda and her bf to this country bar in the downtown hammer. and im not talking the semi legit hess area thats sort of nice and only moderately sketchy, i mean like super downtown. it was really rough. so yeah downtown hammer, good start.

i guess one of the common themes in country bars is having girls dancing on the tables and bar and stuff and having a mechanical bull and other classy stuff. its probably a good thing...not really here as much, but i can see it being a good time in a legit bar in a legit city, and this is hamilton, so thats not happening right now. gooood times

but yeah we get inside and in my fairly inebriated, glasses needing state i go "oh damn thars some chicks dancing on the bar, ill do a closer inspection". yeaahh bad call. some girls were hot, most were old or fat or a delicious combination of the two. i got another drink. nailed it.

after receiving the drink i took a lean on the bar (looking out) and i did like a once over of the scene. it was cool. remember when i said chicks dancing on bar / tables? that means that there was going to be a large population of those creepy guys that stand on the outside of the dance floor and just like peer in looking at chicks. also remember when i said that this was downtown hammer and that most of the chicks were fat / old?

this was a good crowd.

and what happened was i honestly spent most of the time there just people watching. it was amazing. i had never seen such a crowd of like super sleazy guys and generally not very attractive older ladies getting hit on by said guys before. im not even kidding, i spent most of time just people watching. more than once i was one of the creepy guys that stands on the outside of the dancefloor, but i was watching alllll of the people on the inside and giggling really hard to myself. sooooo good. like i basically carried around a cup of ice so that i could hold the cup up to my face so it wouldnt look like i was some random guy laughing by himself on the side of the bar.

but yeah i guess that wasnt really a review. whatever. i give dirty dogs drinking depository a "you should definitely go". i dunno, i really enjoy people watching sleazy people.

ill probably go back...

and also right after reading week i got a fairly large shipment of american dollar stuff. fuuckkkinnggg sollliiiddddd. you should definitely listen to them.

also what really happened is when i got to the firepit area, i jumped and tried to bounce off of a strategically placed log and the ground that had been raised beside it, but the ground turned out to just be a bush or something that resulted some ankle rolling. not really fun.

right now: harvest - opeth. ima try to get into these guys. my life isnt as progressive as i would like it to be
too much: too much to choose from. ive been listening to meshuggah alive a lot. its solid. definitely not as much american dollar as i should be
on deck: lets do amdoll atlas / from the inland sea. good band

shout outs
oh jeeze i have to do a lot of these.
ill start with the efrt dude that drove to/from the hospital. the dude was super legit, plus shouting out a like essential services guy make me seem more legit. good stuff

backlogged shout outs
lets see...i think i said id shout out jackie and probably miranda and sam as well. good times drinking and bar actioning. go team, way to go
i was also supposed to shout out katie and sarah for being lesbians again, but that was like a week ago, so im not sure how thats going. anyways, way to go
i should probably also shout out doug because apparently stuff and rabbits is back up. i dont believe it. and hes got twitter. thats of him. way to go

and ill be back pretty soon with another post. this blog isnt going to pull a stuff and rabbits on you guys. lol

and ima leave this with you guys. if you like having your mind blown, id recommend checking it. youll probably be surprised. i was.

whats even more mind blowing is that this is from 1989. yeah.

also shout out susan. mostly for berating me into doing another blog so i could shout her out in said blog. good stuff sir...but naw shes cool. dont hold that against her if you were planning on doing that

k so that should do it. pretty short one, probably wasnt that great either, but w.e. 2 minutes in sort of heaven is better than 1 minute in sort of heaven.


alwaaays i want to be with you and make believe with you and live in harmony, harmony, oohh loove


  1. hummm...seems to me you "seek" out these seedy bars and areas in which you complain...
    dont want to see sad strippers? stop going to strip clubs..
    dont want to get mugged? comb your hair and stop attracting attention!

  2. i kid...because the" Karma Police " are always watching!..
