Monday, March 22, 2010

so dont have a name for it...umm st patricks action sack?


no apologies for lack of anything ever.


im good, ankles mostly better, just did a physics test that may or may not have gone well. not sure

but yeah im pretty sure that stuff has happened since the last legit post. whatever. i dont really have a game plan for this one. but lets go do one anyways.

so yeah ill start this off with a little fun fact that you may or may not know. i actually love the last post. a lot of you might have hated it, because of the less than like 19 pages of blog that it was, or because of the adult themes (drinking, meshuggah), or because it kinda sucked, but i really love it. like i dont really remember writing it and the next day i was like "oh man, champ. also i guess i look emo today". and i dunno, its fun. it like also reminded me that writing super long posts is way better than like 3 paragraph posts, like bloggers are known to do. like if this was a regular blog, this post would probably be done right now. and its not, so enjoy this right now. . . but yeah, i enjoy the last post.


so some of you that are super out of the loop might have been confused by the "also i guess i look emo today" part of the last paragraph, there was a bit of st pattys adventure action.

yeap. one thing that ive learned at mac is that on st patricks, people enjoy drinking at like 8am or other super ridiculously early times, which was hella convenient, because i was in class until like 730pm, so yeah good start. but that didnt really matter because once i got back, friggin everyone in life was drinking. like the common room was completely full of people drinking. super amazing. like it was full of people clearly drinking and having a lot of open liquor everywhere. so did that. it was st pattys, so i figured i would do liquid cocaine, which is a delicious mix of jager and goldschlager. like i figured that the jager bottle is green...and so is it should work out pretty well.

yessir, double fisting jager and goldschlager, good time right now. then i went with most of the common room to some beer pong / flip cup stuff. good times, i didnt beer pong, or do very much cup flipping, but like drinking anyways, so it was cool. alllso, when i left i was walking back to my room and one of the CAs bitched me out for having bottles of liquor. it was so dumb. like people have been drinking in public all day. f that.

cool, so i checked out what shirley, jackie, sam, miranda and etc were doing / hang out with them. yeah so drinking more, and more people, then theyre like yeah coots is cool, lets go do the cootes thing. w.e, im drunk, thats sweet.

also it may have been around this time (probably not tho) that i got my hair straightened. again. i dont really remember it happening, and im not really sure why it happened, but like w.e. i was drunk enough to make decisions that i regretted later on. thats always a good excuse for anything. . super brutal. i looked super emo and my TAs made fun of me the next morning. gooood stuff.

yea, so drinking in like this swamp or something area that apparently exists like right beside res, whatever, cool stuff. i definitely didnt know that it existed. then we hit rams head...wasnt really counting on it being fun, or a good time at all, because that place is normally super balls. but yeah, we did that like up chickens drinking game that they did one time on the office and i a couple sips of my first ever green beer. it was cool stuff...i really cant remember if it was in any way better than a regular guessing that it was.

so the rest is kinda blurry. i remember having miranda trying to help me like look cool while at the bar or like how to like dance or sway or SOMETHING like that. cant remember very much. i definitely know she was like yeah just try swaying to the beat, and dont move your head very much. definitely cant remember much. good effort tho, i appreciate it...i was just too drunk and awk...probably more of the second one tho. im also pretty sure that i had some conversations with at least 2 people outside. i cant really remember, i think i talked to some chick about music for a bit. uhm she might have been like 25+, but thinking back, i really cant remember her face at all. as of right now, im sold that i talked to a blur.


by the time that we left, it was just carol, paula and i and we somehow got to this super random house party. definitely cannot remember very much of it...i think some dude was talking to dianne about shit. like how good it is to shit, or how much he shits or something. not great.

then carol and i walked back and according to the last post, we had some sort of heart to heart convo. yeaahhh, not really sure about that one. it probably was super rockin. i remember i think i tried piggybacking her for a minute...probably ended poorly.

then we got back and apparently i saw katie and took some pictures. sure. then did that last blog.

so yeah, did that, aced the programming lab the next morning while looking nice and emo. good stuff, go team. also i saw banjo a bunch of times doing like serious essay stuff, while everyone was having a good time. looked pretty lame...but way to have academic integrity?

alllssssoooo i just learned that the physics test that i thought i did not too poorly on actually pooped on me. so so much for my already outstanding average. thats cool...and on an unrelated note, if anyone wants to do a lot of liquor right now, im super down. and on an even more unrelated topic, get ready for forgetting all about your troubles with steve on friday. calc is more than likely going to make my bum larger than a watermelon... so yeah, get prepared.

also plus adventures to york on saturday. not too too much to report on. angies house was doing this like "last party ever" thing, which was a pretty big deal, so they had a very large amount of people over and a dj that was playing friggin drum and bass and dubstep and all of that rave etc that kids are into nowadays. it was actually sweet, like i love drum and bass. and i missed the rave the night before, so i got a bit of that sort of stuff in. also it was a york party, so there were obviously sketchy people there. i guess i didnt miss that much...but yeah, hung out there for a while, then hung out at toris, which was also really good, it was pretty quiet by the time that i got there, but w.e it was still good. sweet parties / night overall.

i do want to do a special announcement about alcohol to the kids / concerned people that may happen to read this here post.

remember how i said on st patricks day i was double fisting jager and goldschlager and it was amazing? well at angies, the plan was to do that again, but i was offered a cup to mix the stuff in, just to ease things up a bit. reallllyyyy bad call. liquid cocaine has a really large tendency to taste worse than death when its mixed improperly. this time, it tasted worse than what it would have tasted like if i threw it up. seriously. like it was worse than that time that i mixed southern comfort and JD. and that was terrible. up until 2 days ago that was the worst thing that i had ever tasted. but yeah, getting back to the point, if you choose to drink liquid cocaine, for your own good, please keep them in their respective containers until youre about to drink them. and when you do mix them, only mix like a shot or two at a time, so that youre 100% sure that you have the same amounts of the liquors.

seriously, i have a bottle of it in my freezer that has had more action as an ice pack than it has as a bottle of liquid ladies man. nooot good.

cool, so some more just general news, check
theyve just recorded / put new songs onto myspace, so check that out.

yeah i think ill end'er here. ive got school tomorrow

now: bow and arrow - rival boys
on deck: probably more rival boys. maybe some first franz ferdinand album stuff. that things a piece of art

shout outs
shout out amelia. legit, fully blown shout out. hey other people that are reading this, carols getting a shout out and youre probably not getting one right now. enjoy it.
k was that good?
also shout out peter and angie and anyone else who is sick right now. ill be joining you very soon. (edit: its the next day, definitely sick. f everybody)
also also shout out the physics department for being dicks...also for using the crap out of them

cool this ones pretty much done.

/ signoff.

also potential book this summer. but keep that one to yourselves.

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