Saturday, March 27, 2010

the post you might enjoy. aka youtube ads work sometimes aka. sometimes i forget how fucked the internet is

yeah, so i know ive been a little stingy on the blogs recently. heres the apology one, its pretty full. shell probably be a good time...dont count on quality grammar tho. i dont care that much.

ill start off with important steve news. ive started writing the post at 1037pm on saturday and i am currently kind of sick. cough, bit of a sore throat, not much to write home about yet...sunday at 412pm, feeling worse. math test yesterday could have been much worse than it was. i actually knew how to do / got answers for about 2/3s of it, which was super shocking, etc, etc.

k now that we have the boring stuff over with, it is crucial that you to THIS website for a sec, or else the next few paragraphs arent going to make very much sense. browse around, take in all of the sites and sounds. take your time. also ps, its 100% legit. (also some of you have probably heard about this before, if you have, just act surprised and like this is revolutionary)

(you might have to make a profile to make it work. like put in a random email and age, etc, its cool (if you feel weird putting your email into try using, where xxxx is the first 4 letters in your name. if it doesnt work, try like 3520 or 4520 or etc, it will eventually work out (actually do it, this is important))).
also use L8S 4M6 if you dont want to use your own postal code...its macs lol

ill leave some space so that you dont accidentally read the next part and be spoiled


legit. so while watching how to math videos on youtube with tyler, we came across an ad on youtube for this obviously legit and not creepy at all cougar life website. yessir, watching how to like do double integrals or something gave us this ad. HAD to do it. so we made a fake account (like im hoping all of you have done by now) and looked around and we were like omfg, no way, and more of the usual disbelief stuff. then we turned it off and went back to math studying, that was way too ridiculous; so many old ladies, so much throw up in my mouth, lets get back to math, i gotta pass this.
about 12 seconds later, we were like "yeah we need to make a legit one" and when i said we, i meant like yeah just make a profile, and when tyler said we, he meant you steve. nailed it. i guess im a sexy cub now...thats what my plan has been all along.

so there are two key things that you need to know about this one.
1. there is a >0% chance that i might go through this. if a sexy older lady comes to me with an offering of a homecooked meal and a gentle first time, i wont have very much of a choice. i would of course bring bear mace and probably a support team, but it might happen. i really really really hope it doesnt. that would be the worst.

2. this ones way more depressing. its tuesday at 218am , i made the profile on like thursday evening and i dont have any messages, no flirts, no anything. im not sure if you can imagine it, but do you know what this sort of thing does to your ego? like im probably going to go start doing P90X or something tomorrow. thats soooooooo rough.

friggin cougars. theyre just put off by my raw sexuality.

that must be it.

just in case youve gotten this far and you dont think that this is messed up. the moral of this story is that this is a website where older women go online and put pictures of themselves from like 5 years ago when they were less fat than they are now, then call themselves cougars and then go and scam on guys from the internet. like a normal cougar would do, except this is a lot more personal and therefore better. bruuuuuutal*.

also little fun fact about this, theres like 20 cougars under the age of 25 in my area too...there must have been a miscommunication somewhere. or there are some girls with some sound life plans. either way...

lots of other adventures too. solid campfire time on friday night. pretty big group of us went to that northern wooded area that i guess still exists up there. yeah so we did the like hang out and do the weed / drink or whatever you do thing. umm banjo and amir and maybe ilyia (/sp?) knocked over a dead tree. that was cool. smores too. theyre actually really tasty. like i had no idea. theyre legitimately good. and friggin carol kept taking my like cooked marshmallows. or something to that extent. cant really remember. friggin dick lol. and by like 3/4 of the way through it looked like we were going to have a nice injury free time again, but friggin banjo got a branch to the face when he was trying to pull some wood (lol) into the the pit area... cut his tongue moderately bad. also like later on we decided to throw the middle of the dead tree into the fire so that it would split easier, which to intelligent teens (mostly ilyia) means that you have to try to balance beam across the tree across the fire. oddly, there werent any other injuries...and that kid was really drunk. fairly miracle-y.

also res drinking saturday night too. really good time. so yeah went to bahis (/sp?) room and there was some major beer pong action going on. so yeah did the hang out for a while thing, then a game with ahmed...and im actually really fantastic at this game. like its not even a contest. we squared off against shashir and this other dude that i had never seen before. shit was on. longish story short (im writing this part near the end of the blog and im very tired), we did 6 or 7 games. and we lost mooost of them. it was cool like ahmed and random guy were both good, like they were fairly even with getting stuff in and shashir and i were both bad, so it balanced out. there was one time where ahmed got a shot in that bounced off of one cup, off of one of the washing the ball cups and into a legit one. it was cool...thinking about it i dont think we won that game lol. basically this went on until everyone except for us had left, then like another half hour passed and we finished. then there was some chatroulette and hanging out in the third floor common room. which is sweet. like third floor common room is where its at. its quiet...and has other qualities. but yeah did that, hung out there for a friggin while. then randomly hung out with steph in the second floor common room for a while. goood time. also sleep was nice too lol.

also also the roomies and i spent a lot of time on chatroulette / omegele last night / i did a lot today. thats really creepy stuff. like between this and the cougar life im pretty much set for creepy for a while. it was weird, like we just randomly decided to go on and like 3 hours later i was super tired and had seen like 987343409101 dicks. like i have seen so many dicks in the last like 24 hours (no homo) its...actually i dont have a finish to that sentence...ive seen too many at this point. its sooo frustrating, every time i do new convo then move slightly away from the keyboard - even if its for a second - a dick shows up. eg: i close a convo and look over to see who blairs talking to. this lasts 2 seconds and when i go back to my screen, theres a really creepy man with a really depressing life on the screen. there was other stuff too. like in several hours on this bad boy ive had 2 good convos with people, ive seen 1 boobs, a bunch of people where the screen is really black and you can barely see their face (creepy) and a handful of emos, which were funny. and im pretty sure that i saw john lajoie and justin bieber and mystery guitar man online too. but one of them was probably a dude with a cool beard and the other one was probably just some douchey kid and the other one was a guy in sunglasses. the sad thing tho is that i spent like 3ish hours going between chatroulette and omegle video chat last night (not the sad part) and i went on like 3 different times today. like im on right now...probably getting jacked off at. not cool.

like how do you decide to go jack off in peoples faces on the internet? thats seriously fucked up. a lot.

also JUST learned that there is a chatroulette for mcmaster. that can only end well for everybody.

god damn the internet is messed up**.

not done yet. go to this site
some of you have probably heard of it...i doubt that many of you will care about it...its super rockin. if youre into this sort of stuff lol.

k now im done i think

now: ulysseys - the franz. good band
on deck: whatever itunes wants ;)
on deck thats not really creepy?: prolly some bloc party later on
too much: doing a lot of radiohead recently...but its cool because theyre the best

shout outs
oh jeeze theres a bunch
k shout out jackie and sam first. way to go for doing what you do? jackie for not being here on friday and sam for legit being here and doing the bonfire thing on friday lol.
im pretty sure there was some more...let me know
oh shout out sarah im pretty sure. for being super loud at like 1am all the time?

k and really cool shout out
so ive been told that more than like just matt and carol read my blog. thats actually really sweet. like shout out all of the people who have recently started reading it, or have read it forever or anyone else out there. like if youve made it this far in the post thats pretty probably quit by now. yeah so way to go (Y)

in case youre still wondering how sick i am. its like 2am on tuesday (monday night) and im preeetty sick. but im gettin this out. because thats what matters right now. sleep and recuperation are for the weak.

on an unrelated note, i had to cut this one short, im reaaallllyyyyy tired. there might be a deleted scenes post sometime soon. probably not...but maybe

metal...sleep now

*also known as the internet

**hey everyone, when youre done reading the post, you should go check out 4chan. that place is really cool!

1 comment:

  1. There Will Be Brawl = Best thing life has to deliver, also u made me wanna sign up for that cougar thing lol.

    -Teh Moultron
