Saturday, December 19, 2009

that shit is done

yeah man. first semester is over*. super metal

so here we go, regular life again. its actually really sweet. my readers should try it sometime


speaking of my readers, if you will direct your attention to the right side of the page, you will see that i now have 2 (two) followers. its pretty fantastic. so. at this rate of doubling follower count every 2ish months, ill be at a thousand in 20 months and like a million in... .... some time after that. definitely left the calculator with my brain in hamilton.

yeah so heres some juicy blog updates for the people at home. since i ditched the blog pretty bad ive decided to do a blog a day for the xmas break. yeah man its going to be magical. you might notice a sharp decline in the quality of the blogs, but overall it should be just as good as if i did like one or two super quality posts over. also if i get really desperate, i might do some themed posts. but lets hop that it doesnt come to that


right on. so im back in the bford right now. f school. i probably passed my xams, but passing the courses and being allowed to stay in engineering are two different things. this might be rough. w.e. home rocks. its freezing and i dont have to sleep with earplugs and i dont have to eat at commons. its better.

so steve what did you do on your first night back?
well, i hit club 6. aka the VI aka the pride of bradford aka the happiest place on earth. sooooooooooooooo metal. like my readers that arent from the bford area have NO idea how metal this place is. like its SO shit, but like incredibly metal. i saw karl gerke AND jesse much in the line. yeah. rockin as shit.

anyways i went with ben, kucharski and quattrin, but there was a major line and like -50 outside, so we hit the waaaay less rockin rec room for some more liquor and air hockey. the liquor didnt suck. thats pretty much all that didnt suck about it.

but yeah we rehit the VI and it was friggin packed. like i didnt know very many people, which kinda sucked, but it didnt really matter that much. like just being there is all you need for a great night. anyways, after walking around and getting muscled out of my spot leaning on the bar by a fat chick (yeah that happened), we went downstairs. yep, downstairs. i didnt want to do it, but you kinda have to when you go. also, its at this point that the readers will get a tad divided; people from bford and surroundings are probably really sad right now and a little nauseous and people from places not equaling bradford probably dont understand.

anyways the VI downstairs is home to bradfords finest in...erotic? no. sexy? apparently, but im pretty sure that its a lie. nude? mostly. close enough. soooooooo brutal. for the people from out of town, the downstairs is just another section of the bar, with some pool tables, extra bathrooms and a stripper area. not good. like from what ive gathered from tv and comedians and first hand accounts, real strip bars are not usually located in the basement of the shadiest bar in existence. yeah. this one is more like a side note, like oh im getting a beer, i might as well go and see the "stripper" for a bit (will explain the quotes in a bit). most of the time no one really cares that there is a mostly naked chick right there. with good reason most of time tho. like the dancers are usually really old and really unappealing. super rockin. umm the first time i went downstairs some chick went up to the stage and i was like oh yeah she pretty old, kinda fat, she must just be going to clean up the stage for the next girl or something like that. nope. she danced. it was awkward.

anyways yeah the girl from winnipeg. so we sat down as she was just starting. it was pretty good? i guess? like i only have other VI "dancers" to base this off of, so i cant really tell. anyways tho, this chick was comparatively hot, meaning she was under 30, no scars. were in business. until. oh wait. yep, theres definitely a bun in that oven. oh boy, were definitely at the VI right now.

so yeah we sat there awkly for a while, then left, because it turns out that we stayed until last call. yeah i stayed at the VI until last call. you can feel the sleaze. soooo metal.

anyways tho, thats my update for today. dont expect the next couple if posts to be this exciting. but come back anyways

Some songs
right now?: i just watched half of the he-man and she-ra xmas special. it was soooooooo lame / metal at the same time. really brutal
too much?: rational gaze - meshuggah. i dunno. really rocking
on deck?: i picked up some explosions in the sky off of DC++, will probably do that soon

Shout outs
lets do honouralbe charles brown. i just caught the tail end of his holiday adventure show and it got me into a bit of the xmas spirit. also i need to start calling people blockheads more than i do. its pretty hate.
shout out matt again. its definitely his birthday today, turning the big 2-0. yeah happy birthday man. youve just been high levels of awesome: a blog'd. believe it.
ps these are going to get severely lame over the next little while. youve been warned.

cool. so yeah check back like 8 or 9 times tomorrow, and every day for the next 2 weeks, then every day until the blog gets so big that blogger has to shut it down because its starting to overshadow the rest of the internet. i cant wait for that to happen. i might have more than 2 legit followers by then too. pretty solid.


*note that i said over, not that it was successfully completed with a fantastic average. but its over


  1. ahh VI stories,.we all have them but I will not be having anymore...being banned for life :)

  2. what? who is this?
    thats soo balls!
