Friday, December 25, 2009

its pronounced p-you-ill

thats right. happy pule everybody

in a season that is rife with overrated and over celebrated holidays (xmas, halloweenistmas (sp?), festivus, others), pule stands alone.

thats right pule

it was a holiday that was created by hugh neutron from the jimmy neutron show that some of you might have fond memories of. so hugh made up this holiday after xmas was canceled and he figured that the people needed something else to celebrate. the name comes from a combination of the words "pie" and "yule" to get a compact word that has more meaning than most of your big university words.

the holiday itself is very similar to xmas, only it contains MUCH more awesome. like instead of starring santa (or jesus if youre one of those people), this one centers around hugh. and unlike santa, hes just a man. no magic, no reindeer, no elves. just man. and even though i spent a lot of the xmas eve post talking about how much of a champ santa is, this dude is SO much better than him.

heres how it goes.

instead of santa sliding down your chimneys and giving presents, hugh neutron dresses up in a duck outfit and breaks into peoples houses and leaves them pies. heres a quote, it will be able to sum up the awesome a little better than i can

Judy: Hugh, are you sure this is a good idea?
Hugh: Of course it is! I'm Puley, the Pule duck and on Pule I bring the gift of pie to children. See? Its all right here, the good kids get apple or cherry and the bad ones get mint.


but yeah i have just spent a while looking for a copy of the episode. like it might not seem that awesome when youre reading it, but trust me, youll shit some bricks.

anyways tho

i guess some of my readers celebrated xmas today. thats pretty solid, i definitely partook. its a pretty sweet day. i definitely spent my day eating and sleeping. and tv / movies. like literally. its been soo good.

im pretty sure that i need todays blog to be more profound than it is right now. like just for today; this seems like the time to be profound. hmmmmm

as rough as it is, theres only one way to learn that the stove is hot.

also i watched a couple of home movies with the fam today, youre really really rough as a baby / child. i used to be adorable

good enough

right now: march into the sea - modest mouse
on deck: the eraser by thom yorke, them crooked vultures. probably shoulda put them on the computer already

shout outs
hugh neutron, for being so darn rockin
also ill shout out matt. because he just messaged me on msn and he still is one of the few people that talks to me about the blog in rl. pretty rockin man. ill try to care about the world juniors.

boxing day tomorrow. there MIGHT not be a blog. im going to spend the day in st catherines with the family and depending on ma schedule i MIGHT have to ditch it. so do your 8 or 9 daily visits starting at like 7pm. it wont be before.

yeah dude

happy pule / xmas / any other holiday that is around today.

umm try not to get injured looking for incredible bargains tomorrow. im sure that its not worth it...unless it is, in which case swinging elbows is fantastic for clearing out slow people that are in your way.



Hugh: Why, of course there's a Santa, Jimbo. He's a jolly old man with a white beard and a lazy eye, and every year, he removes asbestos from the attics of all the good little boys and girls.
Judy: Oh, Hugh, you're thinking of Mr. Hingus, the housing inspector.
Hugh: Oh, right.

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