Thursday, December 24, 2009 must be italian

moderately lied. im sticking to my guns here.

yeah dude xmas eve post megatacular. acutally its like 3 minutes to midnight, so it should be the christmas one, but well save that one for like 1 am on boxing day. just because

yeah so i dont know about you guys, but the holiday season really takes it out of me. like i literally woke up, did nothing, went to shoppers for like 15 minutes for last last minute gift and ice cream, did nothing, ate, wrapped presents, ate, watched christmas story, blog, bed. and im exhausted! i dont know if its my body having trouble digesting all of this food thats making me tired, but its super rough. like im having trouble keeping my eyes open. that and santas going to be here soon. i mean like a recent update from NORAD says that hes in nunavut right now, but it takes a lot of time to keep my readers entertained. he might come.

so santas hauling ass right now. like you know how i said that he was in nunavut like ten minutes ago? hes definitely in wisconsin right now. friggin nuts.

anyways tho, update!

im not sure if i have ever told anyone this, but a christmas story is like my favourite movie ever. yeah you might have noticed that the name of this post was a satirical reference a moment in the movie. pretty rockin. its also been brought to my attention by my sister that there are some people in the world that dont like that movie. if one of my readers is one of these people, you can feel free to come meet me sometime and i will knock some sense into you. dont worry, i wont make you pay a fee or anything, this is just my little gift to the less fortunate.

yeap...pretty good time.

also update.
radiohead is the best. like thats just a fact. like im not going to lie, i wasnt really too big a fan of in rainbows when it came out, but it gets better every time i listen to it. like its obviously not their best one (kid a), but shes making a pretty good fight for second right now. not too shabby.

right now: all i need - radiohead
on deck: faust arp then the rest of in rainbows

ready for this? xmas eve extended shout out section!


regular shout out
definitely shouting out the big guy and his crack team of reindeer. like hes in kansas right now. i think its been half an hour since he left nunavut. those reindeer are beasts

super special shout out
its definitely charlenes birthday today (meaning the 24th, when i started the post). im still a little rusty on the birthday shout out, but here we go. um its definitely rockin that that chick is 18...because shes only like a full year from being able to buy cigarettes and booze and selling them to children at a super increased price. seriously tho shes really rockin. i wish i was as cool as her*. i definitely havent been shouted out as many times as she has

really sappy (but still relevant) shout out
ima shout out all of the people who are working right now, worked all day today and who will continue to work tomorrow. thats really shit. i got your back.

bs shout out
holiday drivers. youre all dicks.

also i missed the last episode of canadas worst driver AGAIN. it was on from 11-midnight and i forgot. soo pissed

yeah man

ill probably do one on xmas day

also santa is currently in mexico city. hes a beast

also also
fa ra ra ra ra. ra ra, ra. ra.
did you know that chinese turkey is duck?

*only on december 24th. any other day she has trouble standing near me because my rock aura is too great

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