Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the wednesday blog take 2...3

yeah its wed...thurdsday...2:37am saturday (i still claim that its friday night tho)

*please note that this note has been written over the course of three days, so please forgive the fact that there are probably pounds of continuity errrors*

i really should be studying right now, but its been like a week since the last post.

kinda shitty, i know.


in case you guys are wondering i havent done a post in a while because i feel i need to give you guys critical updates about steve and things that steve is affiliated with and there just hasnt been that much up lately. like i would give you more posts, but i dont want the post to be like "its tuesday and today i spent the bulk of my time scratching my ass". like that might be good for one or two posts, but i really dont want my blog to get filled up with this stuff. that wouldnt be too great.

but yeah ill give you some news

as of like right now im in a house for next year. which is really solid. yeah its super awesome. like band house would have been amazing, but like really thinking about it, there was a moderately slim chance of it actually happening. next year things should be sorted out and all of that etc, but for now its cool. just a lot of jamming.

and jamming with my new band at mac. im definitely in a band here too. its really sweet. weve all been like jamming for a while, but weve only recently become an official band. its super sweet. umm no name yet. but im pretty sure that once it happens, it will be super badass.

yeah dude

speaking of music, i definitely went to bradford last weekend. did the fcthing, which was super sweet. i also finally saw inglorious basterds. which was super duper metal. thoroughly enjoyed it.

ummm but yeah this week. pretty cool.

test seasons coming up. thats not going to be cool. its friday night and theres a math super test on wednesday. i was going to do some studying tonight, but that turned into do some drinking and play halo then watch gamer and do a blog at 240am. pretty close tho



so i might be engaged in my first super gay youtube flamewar!


so theres an extended intro to this story, you can skip to the main part if you want. ill have a little part down below that will tell you where to catch up

extended set up

here i am, browsing away on youtube, when what catches my eye? but a video that goes by the moniker "nintendocore". now as a nerd, i am immediately drawn in by the combination of nintendo and the core part of the title.

the core part of the title. yeah. the suffix "-core". there are many definitions as to what this means, but heres the steve, high levels of awesome approved definition. the core part was originally a reference to the phrase "harcore", which was originally a reference to the hardcore punk stuff from way back in the day. keywords here are "punk", as in "(in the 70s / 80s ish)damn that band is really punk" or "those kids are punks, call their parents so they can come and get them" so yeah generally when you see something with a "-core" suffix on it, you can assume that there is going to be something punk about it.
the thing is that punk died off a loooonnnnnnnggggggggg time ago. and in its place is kids who skateboard and put their hair into emo flicks (hair scarves) and listen to emo music. which isnt punk at all. they also like their breakdowns. oh man do they like their breakdowns.

so like if you were to hear a song with a label like "metalcore" (which is a common term nowadays), you can expect to hear these things:
1. generally fast, aggressive playing (metal)
2. really gay emo parts (core)
3. really gay breakdowns (core)
4. lots of really gay emo singing (core)
5. things like pig squeals and stuff to that extent (core. people might say thats metal, but lets be serious here, it was kind of metal the first time you heard it, but now its just really stupid. you know. -core)

k yeah nintendocore.

going into this, i knew that it was a horrible call, but i still did it. maybe im just naive. maybe i was hoping that the "nintendo" part that was promised would save this probably bad song.

on the inside, i was really hoping that it would sound like the stuff from this link:
(i picked this up from a good pal doug ho. hes one of my followers. really solid. if hes got a blog, you should probably check it out)

no such luck.

heres the video.

it started off with just a picture of the band, because i assume that there isnt anyone around that would fund this (i know that 12 year olds WOULD fund it, but they dont have any money, so it doesnt matter).

also in case you guys are wondering this whole deal is band: sky eats airplanes, song: giants in the ocean. listen to it if you want. i wouldnt recommend it tho. like this way the video gets more hits and hearing this will make you want to drive a spoon into your ear. and thats never good

so here they are. just standing there. 5 dudes, all with hairscarves and their respective characters. theres
the sesitive one: with extra emo hair, and a look that says "i would love to hear about your day, just let me get this dude out of my bum first"
the feisty one: hes little, but im sure that hes talented and brings a lot of emoness to the band
the creepy one: will probably rape you, but its okay because the hair scarf makes him cute
the tough one: hes got tatoos, which make him tough, but that hairscarf strikes again. hes too cute to be tough
the other dude: looks like hes just there. they probably needed a dude to play bass or keyboard or something so that they look like a real band. real punk bands need 5 members. or he was someones little brother and that dudes parents told him that he needed to include him in the stuff that he does

the song:
it starts off with a synth intro-dealie. im going to be honest, i did NOT notice it the first time i heard it. i think it was facebooking or something to that extent and just figured that there was silence.
then there is one(1) bar of sweep pick / screamo / breakdown. then it went reaaaalllllyyyyy emo. and i turned it off.

so, because i do stuff like this, i wrote on the videos wall:
"i got to 0:18, then i had to stop it.
howd anybody else do?"

the video had only been rated 4 / 5 stars, so i figured id get some replies saying "lol yeah this is shit" or something to that extent. that was pretty much my best case scenario.

so today i get home from doing the liqour thing, and i hit the facebook, to see that i have a comment shared with me. i click it thinking that someone else found my comment mildly amusing, so i check it. instead, i read a comment, courtesy of some dude named muffinmystic that read "shut the fuck up". feelings hurt a tad, i responded, loling to myself
"did you not get that far?
i understand, its a pretty terrible song"

personally, i liked this comment, because what i meant was that he didnt believe that i got to the 18 second mark in one try. it made me lol.

so i was feeling pretty good. i figured that i shut down some dude who tried to troll me. but NO.

MAIN PART OF THE STORY (rejoin here if you skipped the start)

so i go to my my channel page of youtube, just because i was taking a detour around youtube to some other channels, when i saw this comment on my main wall. from mystic muffin that read
"Radiohead r gay wannbes who tried 2 start a new trend, and they're fags who sing soft gay music"

yeah. i dont get mad often. but there was QUITE a bit of rage in good ol steve at that point. like this punk (not the music def, the get their parents def) just wrote on my wall that radiohead "r gay wannabes". also they "tried to start a new trend", and "they're fags". like i had SO much rage right there. you dont really understand. like i cant really describe how much rage there was there. like everything was wrong about the post. it was nuts.

but i played this one cool. i replied on his wall
actually i cant really remember what i posted on his wall. and i cant go back and check, because he has to approve them first. ill give a detailed explanation of his profile later. its quite a sight

the jist of it was that i expected there to be a really stupid flame war soon and i was just getting the facts first, you know, he says hes metal, hes probably like 12-15, etc. just ground work. nothing yet. im playing this one cool. it will probably get rough tho.

thats it right now. its 341am. and im tired. this might get messy. but then again, super gay flame wars are usually messy.

so yeah.

ill keep you guys posted on how this progresses. im looking forward to it.


some bed action now

right now: futile bread machine - meshuggah. this is actually the "campfire version" of the song future breed machine. i really enjoy it. like theyre having some fun with some of the most brutal music that exists.
on deck: probably some more -core music. i know, but you have to be researched to be successful. fear not tho, an increase in -core stuff can only lead to an increase in good metal music. like i need to balance my system after

shout outs
lets do doug ho. because he provided that metroid metal link. also this one, which made me lol my balls off
gg doug. g. g.


that post was only a lot late.

ps. im pretty sure that the post will say that i post will say that i wrote this like 3 days ago, but im just finishing this at 350am on saturday (friday night). yeap. rockin

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