Thursday, January 7, 2010

a different post

so word on the street is that the last post kinda sucked

or at least that what a certain dick (who shall remain nameless) told me *cough* it was definitely *cough* lois *cough cough cough*

sorry guys it seems that i have come down an internet cold.

anyways tho

yeah theres also been quite a gap from the last post. i dunno. its not like im doing very much, homework hasnt REALLY started piling up yet. not sure tho. its weird. like i hate telling myself that im going to write a blog right now. it makes my next chunk of time like way to structured. if that makes any sense.


some news. hmmmmm

well i got my hair cut. yeah you heard right.

its actually pretty rad right now. like its been a day and a half and im still fairly fond of it. which is actually really weird. like most of the time i leave really pissed off, then spend the next few days hating life then either get it recut or just stop going outside. but this is cool. it looks pretty good...ladies

yeah its really solid

in case anybodys wondering i got it cut at vinces, which is right near mac. and the friggin guy cut my hair with a razor blade. it was super metal*. it was like a razor in a little handle thing and the dude just cut the shit out of my hair. like it took him less time to cut my hair than it did for me to tell him how short i wanted it. it was nuts. it normally takes people at least half an hour. plus they usually weep for a bit before they start. this guy was alllll business

also also in case anybodys wondering my hair is NOT short. its shortER than it was before. like an inch and a halfish. not very many people have noticed.

so yeah

umm i guess im back to mac...i cant remember if i posted that already. umm its not THAT bad yet. like calculus will probably stick it so far in my bum that it will come out of my mouth, but the rest should be not too terrible. thats the plan anyways.

hmm not too much else is up

had a pretty solid jam with people from around the whidden area last night, that was really rockin. and im also like halfway through season 12 of the simpsons. just in case you were wondering

i feel like i need to make a comment on the world juniors thing. i guess that thats sort of news to people


nope. i got nothing.

i heard that canadas the favourites to win tho. i hope that they do.
hows that?

anyways i need to do some bed action pretty soon. ill get to endinger

right now?: starscapes - the american dollar. awwwww yeah. start listening to this band if you havent yet. like seriously. i love them
heres some youtube bubbles to help you out

i really hope these work

also a little ff for you, the second video is one of my favourite songs ever. just so you know. the videos okay, but the musics where its at

on deck?: missing time - fredrik thordendal's special defects. its meshuggahs lead guitarists solo project. i really like it. its not QUITE what you would expect
too much?: this spiteful snake - meshuggah. i havent really been listening to it too much, but ive had it stuck in my head for like the past week. its really rockin

shout outs
ill shout out carol here. because she (rather tastefully) pointed out that the last post sucked. so if theres anyone that has an opinion on that, or is wondering how i spent the last five years, you can take it up with her.
im also going to shout out my back. that might sound strange, but i have to give it credit. like im a fairly tall guy and i have pretty bad posture, i sit horribly in chairs and i cant imagine that drumming is doing very much to help it out. and its keeping up. so yeah shout out to the back.

I liked it


come back 8 or 9 times every day until i do another post. then keep coming back 8 or 9 times a day


*yup it was metal. i know most of the time you think that razors are emo, you know, because emos. but theyre actually really metal, emos just wrecked them. like breakdowns. SOME breakdowns arent super super gay**.

**but most are, lets not go kidding ourselves here


  1. so...I am assuming your hair is business in the in the back...

  2. lol! nope. no mullets here. aallllll man
