Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A very (adj) man (verb)ed into the (noun) with (proper noun)


i got nothing right now.

like i would have posted something yesterday or the day before, but i just havent been in that blog writing groove. i dunno. sometimes the awesome strikes and sometimes it doesnt. its just the way she goes. today she probably wont. lets do this anyways tho. you guys look like you need it.


also you may have noticed the mad lib as / in the title. i wasnt really sure what to do, so i figure that id let you guys figure it out.

this also adds some replay value to the bolg, because when you guys come back the 8 or 9 times per day, you can read a new post every time! like the content might be the same, but the title is different, therefore, new post. its a pretty sick system.


so some steve news.

i guess i havent done a post in like a week. my bad people

k anyways

i did the york thing with tori and her friends. it was a seriously rockin time. uhh we played this game called what, then like kings or whatever that drinking game is called, then angies and this party that one of toris friends had to go to because the dude hosting it was a TA or something along those lines. it was a commitment. anyways i actually had an epiphany or something to that extent. so the party was full of >25 year olds. like there was 5 people in our group and we were CLEARLY the youngest people there. i figured that the people were like 40, but i was later told that the average age was like 27 or so. it was really weird. i had a "this is what my life is going to look like in like 7 - 8 years" moment. and it was really depressing. like i dont really know how to say it. it was really really odd. like we just sorta stood there and i spent a good amount of time just staring at the people in the party. like people who OBVIOUSLY werent the age acting like they were like 18. like i want to say i hope im cooler than that when im that old, but i dont really know. like by then the band will have taken off and ill have legions of fans and groupies to tell me how cool i am, but on the inside i wouldnt be sure. it was rough. still a good time, DO NOT get me wrong, it was a great night. a little scary, but great.

anyways the key point from that paragraph is that you should appreciate your age. ive seen the alternative. its saggy. and it has a surprising amount of pimples.

then 2am chicken wings. deeeeericious.

its 3am. after completeting a long night of party goodness, you retire to toris couch for some sleep

its 7am. awesome man lets hit the road. tori had to do some teaching in bford at 9am. goooooood times.

its 715am. its friggin cold outside and youre asleep at the bustop at york university en route to the hammer.
transit actually worked out really really well. i only waited like 5 minutes for a bus to the subway, i didnt have to wait for a subway and i just walked onto the hamilton go bus. it was really really nice.

its ~10am. you cant decide whether or not you want to walk back to res from the highway 403 exit on mainstreet, or walk to jackson square from the bus station and bus back to mac. you decide to walk. remember, you didnt bring your appropriate-for-the-weather winter coat, and opted for the exponentially more badass peacoat. its kinda warm, but it was seriously cold outside. seriously cold. like i went to the bathroom and it took me a couple of seconds to locate the steel baton of justice. it was rough

its 1030. you arrive in your room with a core body temperature approaching the freezing point and you are greeted by the pleasant aroma of a roommate who apparently had a good night. you decide that you are too tired to care about the smell of vomit and go to sleep
its hours later: you wake up...and. umm...complete your day. way to go!

successful mission

sunday - today
not really that much went on. school. quite a bit of it. umm i went to the library for the first and second times ever. its actually pretty solid. like i just went and did some work by myself. its a pretty neat concept. they should try putting these libaries in other locations, they might help students out, or make communities better overall.

also i watched a lot (meaning the whole series) of garth marenghis darkplace. its this super, super dry british show that has definitely become one of my favourite shows ever (dont worry, i still know and maintain that the simpsons is the best (AND im still getting through the whole series, dont worry (FF i started season 13 yesterday)))

some quick facts about the show
- it rocks
- i cant really explain the premise of the show right now, its getting kinda late. but trust me, its a good time
- the whole series is only 6 episodes. that part sucks a lot. but w.e it still rocks
- fans of the IT crowd will be really pleased to see who plays dean learner (the best character anyways)
- dean learner also has his own spinoff: man to man with dean leaner. i will be getting to that shortly
- also dean learner is my current msn picture. so check that out if youre on the net.
- the whole series is on youtube. i recommend watching it right after you finish reading this post and after youve reread all of the other posts, just so you can be reminded of how awesome stuff can be sometimes.

i also watched some like major league starcraft stuff. that shit is terrifying. im TERRIBLE at that game.

did some epic jamming with people from around whidden / campus. we might do battle of the bands, which would be super sweet. theres a video of us doing the OC theme song on facebook. and you can rest assured that the stuff we play the battle of the bands will be the same, if not better, quality. suuupppppeeeerrrrr epic

kcool. ima do the bed thing soon.

right now?: the slow wait part 2 - the american dollar. suuupppppeeeerrrrr solid. did you guys check the band last time? you should have
theyre coming to canada in like april or june. be there
on deck?: the newest episode of the big bang theory. its hard to bolg and watch it at the same time. its next for steve

shout outs
hmmm. ill do the hardworking people over at 680 news. you guys can trust me, this shout has nothing to do with the fact that i just got an email from 680 and i have no idea who else to shout out. its because they offer great news with traffic and weather together on the ones, or anytime at


so ive decided to start putting in some playlists. this is an extra credit part of the bolg. if this is your first visit here, you can skip over this part, it might be too much awesome for you in one sitting. you could pull something.
but yeah im going to start putting these in every once in a while. i dunno, it might help you get into the steve kind of mindset

here we go

ps if you do decide to try the playlist out, it is HIGHLY recommended that you listen to all of them at once; the list was made the way it is so that the songs flow into each other. a lot of the time the bulk of the song doesnt matter, its how the songs start / stop. but theyre good songs. thats why theyre on my ipod. lol

Steve Authorized Playlist #1: First Trip To Thode <-- the library
1. Kinetic - Radiohead - Pyramid Song EP
2. Rational Gaze - Meshuggah - Nothing REMASTERED / ReRELEASE / NOT the original one
3. Obstacle 1 - Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights
4. Heart Of The City - The Arkells - Jackson Square
5. Ducks Crossing Take 2 - FCG - Super Rough, Super Groove --> check you should be able to download it
6. Construction Work - Rival Boys - Life Of Worry EP --> SUPER solid band. details on a different post. i hope its there. if not just go to their show on jan 30th at lees palace and buy the cd. its really really good
7. An Honest Mistake - The Bravery - The Bravery
8. Idioteque - Radiohead - Kid A

FF it actually sort of circles around. it sounds alright if it goes back to kinetic from idioteque. sort of


so this post actually turned out pretty well. i really was not expecting it. thats just the way she goes some times.

heres my answer to the mad lib / title
Patrick Stewart

word. post probably soon.

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