Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh man adventures, or "the shadiest steve has ever been"

right on

before i blog about anything i need everyone in the world to know about this.
thom yorke is doing stuff from his solo album live right now. thats not really big news, im actually surprised that he hasnt done so already. what is the big news is that flea the bassist for his touring band. yeah i know. honestly, favourite two bands in the world are doing stuff together. like i dont think normal people can grasp how much i shit myself when i heard about this. this is sooooo nuts.
heres a link
watch this while i go buy another box of tissues. i started running out really fast after i heard about this

k cool

yeah my bad about the last post, midterms are shitty. like i actually started studying well in advance for my chem midterm. it was really badass. i definitely did a 79% on it too, which is really excellent

and physics tomorrow (which i should be studying for now) and math on friday and bradford later friday. pretty sweet

k yeah adventures

the rest of the post is going to be an epic retelling of the adventures from last night.

you should probably strap yourself in right now to avoid injury

here we go

so it started off pretty w.e. i was going to go to some rugby kegger with hollywood and it probably would have been a terrible time. like if theres one thing that people know about steve its that i get along really well with people that enjoy rugby. so pretty awesome

yeah so i had no idea where the party actually was, so i texted info source carol and she was like oh f the rugby were going to go do bars downtown. well hollywood was way too hollywood for this action so he ended up ditching. pretty sweet

yea so it was me jo anne and amber. yeah so we did the pre-drink thing in my room for a while and there was a series of lets check the bus, then do a shot, miss the bus, check the next bus, etc. pretty rockin, just like the hannah montana that was forced upon my computer. it was terrible, my computer will never be the same. also LMFAO. they dont rock as much as their name might suggest

so we were going to go to this place called london taps shitty bar or something like that...which has a dress code. yeah. like actual dress codes are really shitty. apparently several plaid and houndstooth patterns arent classy enough for this bar. it was really brutal. i had to get a dress shirt. like super brutal. w.e tho it worked out. i had my 3 inches of blood shirt on underneath, so I was happy

anyways missed the bus again. so we did the call a cab thing. and a cab drove by us like a few times, but we hailed down some sweet cab driver. he was badass. it was a really good time

k mr shitty bar. there was a line. sheila talked to a guy in line that knew someone that worked there and we ended up going in through the side door. it was sweet. we didnt pay cover or anything like that. i doubt i even needed to wear that shirt too, it was kinda balls. pretty good tho

amber met some of her friends from like her hometown, so that was pretty cool. then we did the dance and get more drinks thing, which was really rockin. like the music there was balls, but w.e, good drinks and lots of jager + goldschl... beforehand meant that it was a good time. like bars usually suck, but it was pretty fun

then it got kinda rough

so there was dancing for a minute, then i went to the bathroom. so i wandered around for a while because it was really far away. then i lost the group. it was about 3 minutes later that i learned that clubs are stupid. i forgot that even when ive had some drinks im still pretty socially awk and that clubs are terrible.

so i did some more wandering around, then i gave up and decided to leave.

moderately bad call.

SCENE 2: its 1:20am in downtown hamilton

leaving the bar a bunch of really shady drunk people felt my hair up. a lot. if you can imagine it, it was pretty awk.

so the buses stop running at 1:30am, which to drunkish steve means that at 1:20 the buses will still work out and i can get back to mac with little to no difficulty.

not so

i called the HSR thing and learned that the buses arent running anymore. i gave out a bit of a yell and i caught the attention of some random dude who was also waiting for the bus. so yeah, we were both pretty pissed off. it sucked...but at least it wasnt cold. like honestly i would have killed myself if it was really cold out.

anyways justin (or josh?) and i decided to make the trek. he was actually from like the middle of dundas, so he was way more screwed than i was.

justins plac was to hail a cab driver who was driving to the dundas area and see if he would drive take us with him. it was pretty much hitchhiking, it was SUPER sketchy. oh man it was sketchy, but like its hamilton, so we fit right in.

so he was pretty pissed off, and he did a lot of racial slurs, which was a good time. also, it turns out that he had done a bit of the crack earlier that night. pretty badass. like i need to adventure more often, i keep meeting people that are on different drugs. like some people on e at angies and random dude that i walked through hamilton with who did crack earlier. its some good times.

its at this point in the story that id like to point out that amelia and amber got a cab home. yeah i know. at least i got to hang out with a guy that was on crack


so we walked together for like 50 mins. it was actually pretty sweet. im not even shitting you. like it was sooooooooo shady, but that was part of the fun. i enjoyed it quite a bit

so we did the go our own separate ways thing. it was cool.

i got back to mac at like 2:30, it was pretty solid. and honestly like 12 seconds after i got back i got a text from janice that said that they took a cab home. SOOOOOOO shit. like i had a good adventure, but a cab would have been pounds better.

actually in whidden i made some soup and hung out in the common room with sam for a while. oh and i got some pizza from graham. pretty solid. then bed.

yeah thats the adventure. i hope that at least one of my loyal readers will make it to the end of this.


kinda 4pic. :D


k heres the song list. i know thats what youre really here for
right now?: long posts are long. in doing this i watched like 2 or 3 simpsons and listened to quite a few songs. currently its Like A Stone buy Audioslave (note, buy was not a typo, the first audioslave album is super good)
new?: flea and thom yorke experience
too much?: see previous

sooooo good

shout out?
ill do a split between amber and justin/josh/crack dude. i adventured with both of them last night, so i feel like they both need a shout out. umm yeah. shouted out. ambers pretty sweet, definitely enjoyed adventuring / should do rock bar next time. that would be way more rockin. and justin is pretty sweet. i hope he made it home with little to no damage to his bum...from bums and shady characters in dundas


thats the end of the post

pretty cool


  1. Ha... Hippy for a mcmaster student, the blogs keep improving. Speaking of crack... I was walking in the city and there was some dude who kept walking into a wall thinking he was going through the door three feet beside the wall. He looks over at me and I at him he mutters something/ yells and turns around and keeps trying to go through the Door(wall)... Just thought you would like to here that.... Peace
