Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jan 31 Part 2: The Shadiest Steve Has Ever Been Revisted

kman part dos of the post from earlier

also forgive the lateness, this was a hell of a post to write. like i wrote this bad boy in like chunks. super brutal.

also please pretend like there is good grammar in this one. theres going to be some rough parts. i promise.

so this part of the post is just going to be a retelling of the evening of jan 30, 2010 and some hours the next morning



yeah so she started off pretty good, i didnt go out the night before, i got plenty of sleep, woke up at like noon or 1. good start.

pretty easy day, grabbed some food, watched some seinfeld, did some homework, etc. easy

so the plan was to go to TO with the mac crowd, meet up with ruth and shawn, see the rival boys play, remeet the mac crowd at a rave, get some cheques for my landlord later on from ruth, back to mac. no problem

obviously thats shady, but it doesnt sound THAT shady.

it started off well. there was like 9ish of us and we were going to meet at 630 in front of whidden and get to downtown hamilton to grab the 730 bus to the TO. we ended up leaving whidden at like 710, but it worked out. the hsr to downtown was just pulling into the stop as we got there and everything worked out perfectly. we waited like 1 minute for the go to TO and it was cool.

were sitting at about an 8.5 out of 10 right now. i didnt bring gloves, because i wasnt sure about the conditions (coldness vs shadiness) and we did some light running, but everything else was good. not much to ACTUALLY complain about.

k right on so we arrive in TO. im not really sure where theyre going and as far as i know, im meeting my sister her bf shawn at union. so i part ways with the group and try to get my way to a good meeting point. so i texted ruth to text me when shes near, so that we could grab a streetcar / subway to lees palace for the concert. so i sit around union station for a while and catch up with some of the locals. which means i grabbed a seat and didnt make eye contact with anyone. i texted ruth with a where are you? and she was like were close to yonge. so i proceed to yonge, which was actually a lot harder than i thought. i forgot that the bus depot (the easternmost part of union station was the part that went onto yonge and that the bus depot and the like main concourse area was not the bus depot. so i walked to like bay street, then west over to university and got like locked out of like some of the buildings / walkways, so i had to walk through this like creepy construction area. pretty shady, but still no problem. i got to yonge. 7 out of 10

its at this point that im going to point out that it was cold outside. like <-10 with wind if i was to approximate. and my ensemble was not prepared for this. i was wearing thin sweater, peacoat, jeans, shoes and no gloves. so keep this in mind.

k im at yonge and front street. ive been trying to contact ruth and i get a text "lol were not meeting you at union". solid. mission time.

i start northbound and get to like the next block and decide to subway'r. its really cold and bloor / bathurst is a loooong way away. i figure that i would have to do this sort of transit at some point or another, so its cool. a tad irked, but cool 6.8 out of 10. still rockin

so i actually got lost again. the subway actually worked out really well, it basically got me to my location, bathurst / bloor, but i got my north / south mixed up. so i was supposed to go east on bloor, but i ended up going west into korea town. long story short (lol), i got to some bar and it was cool. concert in a bit, stuffs working out, 8 or 9 out of 10.

so we hung out for a while, the rival boys didnt go on until like 1130, which meant get to lees palace at 1100, lots of time. its cool. we go to a different bar and hang out for a while. i got a beer. then more hanging out, then we went to lees. metal. 9 out of 10, 1 beer in system.

we actually lined up right behind my aunt (two of the band members are my cousins), which was pretty weird. it was cool, but it was weird.

we hung out inside for a minute, just waiting for stuff to start, pretty good. i got another beer. so rival boys are on in a minute and ive got one and a half beers in me. 10 out of 10. awesome

rival boys kicked the shit out of the show. they were only on for like half an hour or 40 mins or something, but they killed it. i rocked out on the floor the whole time. it was so much fun and they were sooo good and i dont really know what else to say about it. SO good
check this

soooooo good

it ended, we said goodbyes to the extended fam and we departed. i did some transit with ruth and shawn and broke off from them at about 1245ish. not really sure what time.

then part two

part two is what you guys really came here to see. no one really cared about "steve goes to TO and had a good time", "steve goes to a rave" is where its at.

it sure is.

heres just some more set up info, just in case youve lost track
its probably about 1. maybe. i just got off of the streetcar and am staring down three ~16 year old kids who are at a door under a sign that says the reverb (the destination). its -93210 with the wind outside and im not really dressed well, because i dont want to look like a weenie in front of the rave people and i dont want to get something weird on very many of my clothes. im feeling kinda shitty, because i kinda just ditched my sister. she didnt really want me to go to this thing by myself because its going to be super duper shady and all that stuff, but i went. because im a champ i guess. or a dick. not really sure. i just had my balls rocked off at the rival boys show. im probably going to be sore, and the rock was quite a bit of energy. im a little tired. ive had 2 beers, but theres probably only 1 that is actually in my system. i texted a few of the people to let them know that ill be there soon, because i need some codes to get me in.


k so here i am. i see a sign that says the reverb over a pretty shitty looking door and some weird looking kids sitting outside. i originally would have said that they look emo, but they definitely werent. sorry. they probably were, because they were teenagers, but they were dressed like way more over the top than regular emos. as it turns out that thats the way that ravers dress. and remember, im in my rock duds: peacoat, plaid sweater, american dollar shirt, jeans and plaid shoes. these kids (and most of the other people) are in neon. its cool

so i go up to them and im like is this the rave and theyre like yeah, but youre probably not going to get in because shes at capacity right now. we decide to walk to the like main entrance when i see ahmed and hes like dude ive been waiting outside since like 1030 (its like 1 right now). so hes like fml were not getting in any time soon and he didnt have a place to stay, so he had to like wait for the rave to end. it was a pretty bad scene. so naturally we went to a bar across the street.

the bar was cool. i have no idea what it was called, or any real info on it. the bathroom was really small, but it was by NO means the worst bathroom that i saw that night. it was pretty empty, which was nice.

so yeah, ahmed and i got a beer and watched maybe like half an hour or so of the leafs game an listened to some jazz music. it was pretty solid.

yup, so we ditched the bar after like 45 mins and decided to head back to the reverb and just wait and hope something good would happen. remember its cold. so we waited outside and talked to a coupla randoms and whatnot when this security guards like you guys should be standing in line, some people are leaving, so you might be able to get in. and were like sweet! good call!. we waited in line for maybe 8 minutes and we got let in.

so the actual space that the rave was in is the second floor of the club. we walked up this really tight and dirty staircase and paid friggin $20 to get in. i was actually really pissed that i had to pay 20 dollars. i figured that it wasnt going to be worth it. i figured that.

then we got to it. upstairs. the rave.

the place was packed. it was really dark, with basically only black lights and like lasers lighting up the place. but it worked out pretty well, because the black light and the neon made like a quarter of each person was really bright. it was cool

so by the time we got inside the rave had been going on for like 5 hours, so the place smelled terrible. there was sooo much BO. like you would get used to it, but every once in a while some dude who spent most of the night givering would walk by and it would smell sooooo bad.

but yeah ahmed and i went and did the coat check thing, then hit the floor. it was nuts. people were just givering. like it was intense drum and bass music and people were just going for it. it was actually really cool

we met up with the original group of people said the whats up and happy birthdays and etc and didnt really know what to do. it was kinda awk. like ahmed and i were the ONLY people there who werent on some sort of chemical drug. like there was soooooo much e and etc (lol) happening. also i probably had like 1 beer still in my system. MAYBE one and a half, but still, i was definitely sober. definitely.

but it was cool. we were both like 'f it' and we went and actually danced. i gaver too. like most of the people i was with probably didnt notice and not many people can really appreciate what that means, but i gave the shit out of her and danced my balls off. i actually danced for like a long time. and actually danced. it was cool

but yeah the actual rave.

so basically everyone that was there was decked out in neon and tons of like bead bracelets and like synthetic dreadlocks and furry boots and shit. and soooo many girls were in like bikinis or like suuuuppppeerrrr skanky clothing. and they were all on e and stuff so i didnt feel bad for doing a bit of staring. it was sweet.

so yeah there was the really hot girls wearing super skimpy neon bikinis, the regular (?) ravers who wore like neon and other accessories, nothing overly slutty, the coupla handfuls of awk males (like myself), some miscellaneous, and more than a few scary older men. like these guys were friggin creeeeppyyy. like VI old man creepy, but with more chemical drugs and more (actually) hot girls in skimpier clothing. it was rough

while im on this subject i would like to make special mention to the creepiest / scariest man that i have EVER seen in my life. so you bar goers (at least the VI goers) know that theres always the obligatory creepy dude with a beer standing at the side of the dance floor staring into the crowd with a beer in his hand, right? this particular dude was like that. but not quite. the dude was probably like 50. he might have been younger, but like it definitely showed that he did some lots a drugs and his body wasnt too happy with him. he his hair was visibly thinning, at about shoulder length and it was died a very obviously not real red colour. like it wasnt ginger colour, it was more purply. dude was short, not much else to say about that. overall, he looked like ronnie james dio and carrot top had a very old baby. thats probably the best way that i can put it. but you might be thinking to yourself, steve thats kinda weird, but come on thats the CREEPIEST guy youve seen? and youre right. ordinarily i wouldnt really give a second thought to this. but there was one other factor here. it was probably like 2 or 3 and the dude was leaning or the bar, watching in the crowd...and he was holding a lolly in one hand. now, i dont mean like a sucker, i mean like a lolly. like its 3 feet in diameter and i looks like it was made by rolling a like candy string up in a circle and its usually worn by 4 year old kids in the 1950s who are wearing like sailor outfits. a lolly. the dude was just holding it staring into the crowd. i really didnt know what to do. im not really sure how i can explain this dude so that you can fully grasp the creepiness. just take my word for it. and get the FRIG out.

i just wanted to make special mention of that. sorry readers. but that was one of the most memorable parts of my night.

so yeah did some dancing, did some awk standing around, some more dancing, more awk standing around, grooved to that drum and bass, etc, etc. pretty good.

and just in case you guys were wondering about this, songs in raves dont actually end. most of the songs that they played played the chorus at like fourteen times. and when the djs get tired of playing that chorus, they just blend the song into a different chorus. and by different chorus, i dont mean like a different song, i mean like the same exact beat, but with a different vocal loop going on over top. you know, a different song. that was cool. like literally, at 330 they said that they would do one more song. and the thing ended at 430. and right after the "last" song started this fatish dude that had devil horns and (probably) red makeup just stood on the stage with his arms spread wide. he stood there like that for like half an hour. like he just stood there. it was really weird. i would try to dance for a minute (i was SOO tired at this point) and id look up and hed just be standing there with his arms out. i guess he was like a dj and he was just doing a like "yes, yes i made this, enjoy it" sorta thing. it was kinda weird.

so yeah its 430 and the last song is FINALLY over. i am EXHAUSTED. ive been rockin and dancing all friggin night and im super ready to do some sleep.

we get out. by now its like 5am, nothings open, most of my crew is still at least kinda high and im still sober. and really tired.

so this is where the reader will need to recall a key bit of information from earlier. its really really cold and i am super under dressed. its going to be really rough until the buses start going again.

we go to this super shady all night convenience store across the street and do the snack, then get kicked out of the store for being rowdy teens thing then head down queen. we are currently at queen and bathurst and the plan was to mission to union station and get back to mac. i also had to pick up some cheques from my sister that i had to give to my landlord. so that means that i also had to get to queen and woodbine, which is basically across town. again.


we end up at a subway. it was the best thing friggin ever. it turns out that the dude was like about to close and like 9 kids who were like high and really irritating walked in like right before he was going to go to sleep. he was really really pissed.

it tasted delicious btw.

so at this point, weve done some walking and i am frozen. like past frozen. it sucked.
i have no idea how the other people were doing it.


so we went to mcdonalds and the people did the ol 6 am joint time, which was pretty sweet, because that really just meant more outside time.

we keep walking and i realize that these guys are near where they want to be, so i jump on a streetcar that happens to be rolling by and say my goodbyes (yelling "omg the streetcar! ill be back in a bit!"), and apparently like everyone thought that i like randomly ditched them. solid

yeah, so i woke my sister up and got the cheques and headed back to union. alllmost done.

the train ride was actually really solid. like i didnt have to wait at all, i just got on and headed back. good times.

obviously i went to the top floor of the train. and there was maybe 5 people including me. and my second most favourite character of the night. it was some dude with a very large mohawk, who had obviously been partying all night and he was listening to dallas green very loudly on his ipod like speakers. it was sweet because he was dressed all "punk" and etc and he was listening to city and colour. it made me laugh a little.

anyways tho, the music really pissed me off and i spent the rest of the ride in the like middle floor area, trying to keep myself awake. shes a good time.

theres a bus that does a connection from the train station that takes you to the go station in downtown hamilton. it also does a stop that is technically close to mcmaster. i actually missed the stop, because i figured the dude would just stop, but he blew by it. i was this close to getting to go to sleep and now im on my way to shady downtown hamilton. cool.

i actually got a bus back pretty quickly, like the buses were on my side that day. i got back, faced with only one more challenge. i brought my backup wallet, which doesnt have very much space / stuff in it (in case i lose it) and which also didnt have my keycard that would get me into whidden. it didnt dawn on me until like right as i got to the building how dumb of me that was. it was 930 am on a sunday and friggin NO ONE is out at that time. i had to wait in the like entrance way. boo. i think i only waited for like 5 mins tho, it was sweet.

then i got back to the room. soooooo nice. i intentionally made a lot of noise so that i could tell my roomates what time it was (it being 930). it was a really good feeling, not going to lie.

then sleep

awwwwwww yeah

i woke up at 5 pm lol.

successful mission.

go team

thats it

it is currently 222am on (technically) friday. i started this post on sunday. sorry guys that this one took so long, but she was a mission and half.

post sometime later.

EDIT: also i forgot to talk about the floors of mr rave. they were kinda ridiculous. long story short, i stepped in more than a couple of condoms. good stuff.

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