Sunday, October 24, 2010

some sort of record

yeap. 2 (hopefully) decent (not really) posts within like 8 months of each other
told you i didnt ditch this bad boy.

k yeah steve news will be second, because the first thing that i would like to do is to gloat at all of the h8rs (lol) out there who said that this thing was dead, or i was a darche because i ditched the blog or yeah, if i was a bigger person, i wouldnt say that i told you so...but im not really? so im just going to like imply it right now.


so steve news to seconder out. not much to report. its midterm time right now, so thats kind of balls, but it will be done by like 4 or so on thursday, so cool. year.
alright that sounds good for that stuff

k so adventurous weekend just happened...umm most of the post will be talking about that. good stuff you know?

but before that i do want to point out that canadas worst driver is like the best show ever...i did some blogging during the new episode and its like the best. yeah lol.

kword lets get to it

so friday. for whatever reason, it was decided to be get suuuuuuuper destroyed day, which is always nice. lcbo run with the boys and im like, yeah ill get a 60 of whiskey, its more economical to buy this stuff in bulk and drink it over a long period of time. it sure is.

so yeah plan was to hang out with the boys, go to a party at janie ks house where there may or may not be bradford people, meet up with people from the house, go to another party (basically) across town (like the other side of westdale), break off and go hang out with like banjo or go to a campfire or go do SOMETHING else. that was the plan anyways.

yeah so predrank a loooot of whiskey, like quite a bit in not very much time, took a random amount of whiskey in a dirt bottle and headed off to janies with dylan. pretty much got there, started getting blurry, did the flip cup and beer pong thing, got more blurry, ditched. i think we were drinking there for like an hour...maybe and we were going to meet vasillios, victoria and preston at some nearby bus stop then go to the other party together. pretty sure. so after that was pretty hard on the blurriness, and im not really sure what happened, but we were at the bus stop with the three new people and we were getting on the same bus to go to the same location, but when we got on the bus, the new three people werent was kinda strange. w.e.

yeah so this party was like friggin far down longwood, and i live basically on emerson, so it was a mission away, even on the bus. but it was blurry times, so it didnt really make any difference. k so dylan and i get to the party and i like know all the people, SORT OF.
--> (totally a story within a story right now, pretty good). so like last september or early october or something, one of my buddies, mike from home came to mac to party with his (then) second year friends at one of their houses. at this point in my alcoholic career, i was still what even the least manly of ladies would call a lightweight, and i was in the mood to do some dranking. so mike and i are there and i end up doing my first ever finish a mickey in one night thing. pretty big accomplishment. i felt really good about myself. (fun fact on that one: i totally drank smirnoff mixed with grape shoppers drugmart brand pop. really tasty, suuuuper womanly...w.e i was young and naive). and to celebrate this fact i decided just to rock out super aggressively to whatever music was playing. like just headbang to whatever not rock music was playing at the time. very metal. but yeah at the time i thought that i was super amazing and all of that stuff because everyone was all oh that kids crazy. so when we were leaving i walked up to like everyone at the party and pointed at them and yelled "you add me on facebook!" "you add me on facebook!". annnnnyways, a whole bunch of those people actually ended up adding me and i totally barely remembered them from the night before. yeah it was their party...also they totally remembered everything...and one of the girls is dating dylan. so pretty good stuff<--

yeah so party was sweet. like super super blurry, had a tall boy, hung out some. you know.

so it was time to leave and the plan was to ditch there and go and meet up with other people, be drank, etc. so i was leaving and i started calling people and from what ive gathered, i would call people be like lets hang out and theyd be like yeah, id be like k ill be over in like 5 minutes, then i would forget about it really fast and call back. this happened for a while until i ended up convincing myself that everyone was collectively ditching and i was like f this, im just going to go to bed. i didnt really know what was going on...also i got pizza pizza, it was amazing.

stumbled home...or at least what i thought was home. i totally ended up walking the wrong way and i ended up at the bridge to dundurn...which is 100% not the right way home. yeah thats how drank i was at that time. it was suuuuper rough. i think it was like an hour walk in total + seriously, seriously stumbly. i honestly have no idea how i got home without damaging myself. it was friggin rough.

so next morning i realized that like half of the 60 was gone. sooooo bad. really economical.


so that was friday. saturday was like sit and be a darche then dranking at carol / jackie / etc(lol)s house, then ditch for keggers somewhere.

so. got a trusty dirt bottle filled with whiskey and headed out. when i was leaving i was like, yeah i guess i drank a fuck ton of whiskey last night so ill go and grab some coke to chase / mix that guy with because throw up or other bad stuff might happen.

yeah got to the house and got to drinking. played that drinking game where you like count up to 21 and say fuck and drink a lot. pretty sweet. i tried getting them to start saying drank, not really sure if it worked out lol.

so yeah a lot of drinking, did pictures, did some shots. goood times.

OH and remember that bag that i lost / got stolen at that party like 2 posts ago? yeah that sucked a lot, but at the party theyre like yeah remember that bag? we still have it. yea like mind = blown. and it still had everything in it. like my american dollar shirt, shaving kit and a bacardi bottle that was a little less than a quarter full. suuuuper good.

k so they ditched for hess and i headed for keggers with dylan and melissa. but like 2 seconds after i left the house, i saw two sketchy guys walking and one of them was like hey man are you the guy that tried to fight me last night? and im like fuuuuuuuuu friggin derps, i dont want to have to get into a fight right now. so im all like uhm no i have no idea what youre talking about. and hes all like naw b i think you tried to fight me last night, whats your name. so i go yeah im steve and i sure didnt try to fight you yesterday and his friend was like yo darche he definitely didnt try to fight you. and im like sure didnt, can i leave now? and they ended up walking in the direction that i was planning on going, so i had to take the long way to campus...lame. but yeah still a good time.

on the way to the keggers, saw josh van der lee for a second, then got to a kegger with dylan and melissa and melissas friend. got there, the thing was definitely dry. pretty solid.

so were like k this is cool, well just go to the sterling kegger, because theyve got amsterdam there and that tastes like amazing, so lets go do that. yeap. so that one was definitely dry as well. metal. buuut i had some super old and kind of gross bacardi, so this is still good times.

(k at this point in the blog its like a bunch of days after i wanted the post to go up and this is like over a week after all of these adventures happened, and i just want the post to go up. so im going to glaze over the rest of this adventure and get this bad boy posted)

k. did snooty for about 2 minutes, it was super full, left, went to melissas for a minute, had a pogo, more liquor, walked back to the house, met some dude who was sort of friends, steve, with dylan who got ditched and he ended up hanging out with us for the rest of the night, hung out at some random house on emerson and talked to people, went back to the house, listened to a lot of music and showed that steve kid some sweet music (obvs), ditched.

gg on that one.


k kinda shortish post, but w.e. this ones up fastish compared to the rest of them. also f ramblings of a pillowified-coloured-robot. keep up with this lol.

also mcmaster band with banjo, nolan and amir is potentially playing a show at some eng event pretty get your shit ready for that

and go to this link. its a video of a band covering a meshuggah song in a not very metal, but actually very metal way. worth checking out

and there were a butt load of adventures on the halloween weekend as well, but ima put them in in a different post. too much stuff, including but not limited to getting super drank, hating on banjo and carol, hating on go transit --> missing rhps, using a ladder to climb into a second story window in my house because i didnt have any keys, great times with the boys, and etc. yeah, i might blog on that, but i dont know how long the next blog will take to happen

songish list
right now - watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs with the boys...pretty manly
on deck - not sure yet. probably some simpsons before some bed. derp
too much - the fountain by eggeh. like djenty, ambient, fuckin metal. really good stuff

shout outs.
a couple
first one is to follower number 8, omfgbear. super metal. um do a comment or something, because i have no idea who you are? lol. but ty for subscribing, pretty metal.
second one is to jackie, for being fun drinking with. and hopefully your eye feels better?
and last ones for daniel because he read the blog one time? and because i was hating on you for having chase with a shot lol.

also shout out to doug and doug and angie and smart and elly for going to rocky horror on bloor on the saturday before halloween and i totally ditched them. dick move on my part, but f the buses and way to not hate on me that hard after. yeah.

EDIT and shout out to amelia (not carol) for being a champ and not freaking out over some (a lot of) boob grabbing. that was pretty cool

solid there should be one in the semi to near future. i hope.


"youre solid gooold and ill see you in hell"

hey and a little note after the end of this post. so the post i did last time, although it wasnt actually posted on september 23, 2010, blogger says that it was posted then. this doesnt really matter that much, but it turns out that the very first post of the blog was on september 24th 2009. so i guess that was the 1 year anniversary post.

pretty cool......

"this is dave catching here, not sayin good night...just sayin..."

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