Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the creepiest thing in a while

try this sometime
sing Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge while doing some really intensely sketching stuff for your design and graphics class and tell me that you dont super duper creepy

ima hit the moral shower now

k yeah the third post
thanks to everyone, i now have somewhere like infinity times the amount of people following this blog as i did at the time of the second post, so thank you. i couldnt have done it without all of your support.

yeah design and graphics is super balls, dont take it. i cant draw and my computer cant run the graphics program and im not sure if my professor is teaching us anything of actual value right now

also dont take engineering either. it sucks. since im an engineer, i think im technically supposed to be way drunker than i am right now, but i cant. because i have too much work.
also i (was scheduled) to have 9 hours of class in 10 hours of daytime today. some of the labs ran short, but still, it was super super shit


umm im home thanksgiving weekend for dinner and driving lessons, so thats pretty metal.

k heres the song list that you all care about

song listening to now: the whole first She Wants Revenge cd
song that i havent listened to in a whle that is really rockin: the whole first She Wants Revenge cd
new song: ...hmm nope. maybe next time

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