Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the creepiest thing in a while

try this sometime
sing Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge while doing some really intensely sketching stuff for your design and graphics class and tell me that you dont super duper creepy

ima hit the moral shower now

k yeah the third post
thanks to everyone, i now have somewhere like infinity times the amount of people following this blog as i did at the time of the second post, so thank you. i couldnt have done it without all of your support.

yeah design and graphics is super balls, dont take it. i cant draw and my computer cant run the graphics program and im not sure if my professor is teaching us anything of actual value right now

also dont take engineering either. it sucks. since im an engineer, i think im technically supposed to be way drunker than i am right now, but i cant. because i have too much work.
also i (was scheduled) to have 9 hours of class in 10 hours of daytime today. some of the labs ran short, but still, it was super super shit


umm im home thanksgiving weekend for dinner and driving lessons, so thats pretty metal.

k heres the song list that you all care about

song listening to now: the whole first She Wants Revenge cd
song that i havent listened to in a whle that is really rockin: the whole first She Wants Revenge cd
new song: ...hmm nope. maybe next time

Saturday, September 26, 2009

the second post

no way!
yeah i know, no one thought that this was going to happen, but i guess this project has got some legs on er
yeah its saturday, i did some partying with the youngs and one ben anning last night. pretty good time, but long boarding when youve got like half of your normal amount of balance is quite hard
its raining right now and pretty much everyone is sick or getting sick or something like that. its a really good scene

mr song list
listening to right now: Hotel - BSS
new song: f new songs
old song thats cool: nope. i just figured out how to play the intro to Bump by the american dollar on piano, so that works for now

there might be a third post...depending on how bored i am
should be pretty metal

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Sick. K so welcome to my first of (probably) many super badass blogs about my life and stuff that i think is interesting. Yeah. So High Levels Of Awesome.

Heres some news about your new favourite blogger. Im at mac and its seriously hot in my res and im doing a pantsload of procrastinating.
I have started to do an original score for the 1922 movie Nosferatu. I recently saw this with Radiohead as the soundtrack and about 75% knocked me on my ass, but the other 25% didnt really work out, so i figured, why dont i try it out? I was going to do a different movie, but i was really lazy and this one was the only movie that i could easily get my hands on. Its probably going to take way too long to do and its probably not going to turn out that well, but ive still got high hopes. more to come.

And because everyone cares about what im doing, im going to try to do some sort of sick update about what ive been listening to in the past little while. Because thats what you all came to see
Song List
Listening to now: Climbing Up The Walls - Easy Star All Stars (Radiohead cover)
New song that ive been listening to a bunch: Bleed - Meshuggah
Old song that i like forgot about: Transcending - RHCP


umm the blog itself is still under construction, but theres a good chance that it will stay looking the same, because im really lazy

so yeah. umm stay classy or something like that....ladies