Thursday, September 23, 2010

the return of the return

k narce, blogs back on right now. get your shit excited*

uhh yeah so getting right into it. i actually started this blog on my netbook outside mdcl in between classes on this like super nice part of the day and it was awesome. but then some other guys came and sat on the bench with me and it made writing feel really awk. like they probably wouldnt understand what was going on if they had read what i was typing and it would have been pretty sure that they are in most of my classes and i didnt really want to put up with probably getting looks from them all of the time

w.e blogging at home now.

k yea back at school now...but thats old news

not really THAT exciting so far. like really sick, but not as exciting as you may have thought...but thats something that we may or may not get into. havent decided yet. (edit: its like 2 weeks later and im basically all better. just in case you were concerned)

alright sweet. so the steve update...because i know that thats what youve been waiting like 9 years to hear.
living on royal dr or st or something. right like 15 mins south of school and like 45 seconds from the eng bar. really metal. they have mediocre nachos.
my room is really small which wouldnt really be that big of a deal, but i decided that it would be a good idea to bring a queen bed and my drums. sooo, needless to say, space is a little tight right now. but its cool. my desk is a table top that i sometimes put on my bed and do work on...but not very often tho, its kind of a huge hassle. and i have a seriously bitchin sound system, which is my ipod connected to a bass effects pedal that is connected to two (2) bass lots of bass and stuff. im happy with it lol.
that sounds good for this section

oh and i totally went to limeridge on the weekend and got some new jeans. it was pretty lame.

k yea, back to blogging outside between classes.

for people who are in the "i sometimes care about what steve does, as long as its something that is mildly interesting to read" group of people, you might be a tad disappointed right now. like summer was basically the night jorb at an aluminum factory, which was as exciting as it sounds. and like frosh was mildly disappointing. like it wasnt bad in any sense of the word, just like instead of getting destroyed and going and having some adventures, it was like get drank and plan on going to like 9 different house parties and having a great time, but instead end up at some lame party that we werent even supposed to go to and end up leaving early and going home early and passing out before like 2 or still definitely fun times, but not great bloggging times. oh well, there will be more adventures

buuut like the second or third night out, i did get hit in the face by some random brown dudes, which i guess is interesting...kinda? but yeah here it goes anyways. its mildly interesting. it was one of those first couple of nights during frosh week. dranking and going to random house parties that werent the ones that we had planned on going to and etc. so fairly drank, heading down emerson with vasillios and classic peter from whidden and yeah, just like heading home...mildly stumbly, but like not that bad. at least i think it wasnt THAT bad.

yeah even thanksgiving was pretty quiet. only went dranking one of the days. just whatever with the mcdonnell boys, fun, but nothing too sloppy or whatever. not much thar.

derp. pretty lame.

which brings me to the language update section of the blog

im pretty sure that everyone that reads this blog knows what derp is, but just in case they didnt know, derp is deeefinitely the thing to say right now. eg: derp is metal. just like that. but its sweet, like derp has a ton of uses. like, anytime you dont know what to say during an awk point of a convo, bust out a derp. or like as a noun its pretty cool, like look at those derps over there. and etc, tons of other uses, give it a check somewhere. nailed it.

k number two is the noun jeff. this is a like cure all term that is used to identify a (generally) males significant female counterpart. so like if your friend is talking to his gf on the phone, the appropriate phrase would be hes talking to jeff right now. or like jeff is coming over or something to that extent. and this term 100% not restricted to an actual girlfriend; it refers to any girl that is like interesting to a male. eg like if its a girl that a guy is wheeling, its like that guy is going to hang out with jeff right now. its pretty useful that way...names are confusing.

oh yeah theres a good chance that there is going to be a trip to TO on halloween to do rocky horror on bloor. soo definitely do that if you like sweet transvestites / im sure that there will be a lot of appropriately dressed female cops and kitties and nurses and etc in TO, which is definitely worth the price of the bus lol. plus like its rhps in rl, so there is a 99999% chance of shadiness, which will definitely be worth bringing some mace.

solid. music update now.
k if you missed the cloudkicker update from like 9 years ago...and i think last post as well, go here and here...its really good stuff

also that + meshuggah both sort of fall into this new genreish of music called djent. i think its new, but regardless, its really really narce and metal and polyrhythmic and stuff. really cool.
click on this thing. some of the bands are lame, but most of them are really cool. worth going to for sure.

k f that.

hm this ones pretty thin right now.

did anyone see that scott pilgrim vs the world? thats a hella movie

w.e the next one will be better, like ill probably have some cool stories because it will take me like 8 months to get the next one out.


giver with those list things
- right now: this sol niger within medley by fredrik thordenal and morgan agren --> guitarist from meshuggah and a drummer doing a medley from the guitarists solo stuff
- on deck: not really sure...kinda sick of my music as of whenever im writing this section of the blog...probably some simpsons soon
- too much: 8 by uneven structure. djent band, really cool song / band from france and like various european places...worth checking out
- old one thats really cool: myxomatosis by radiohead. it came up on shuffle through my amp speaker system and its got a ton of bass in the song...sounded sweet

k and the shout outs. these are key?
um yea theres like 9 years of backlogged shout outs here, so im going to cop out and say whoever wants one has one for this blog. yea thats a sweet thing to do

also obligatory carol shout out because i always end up doing one of these and because she has been hounding me to get this blog thank her for that i guess

yeah the next one will be good, i swear. just as long as i go and do some adventures soon.


naw, but seriously, dont lose the faith yet, this thing is still going...just its not as agile and it is more prone to injury. think of the blog as an old man for the time being...that would make things a lot easier.


also the post time on this thing according to me and not blogger is basically 11:42pm on october 13, 2010, not whatever the site says...they lie

*note: after writing most of the blog, ive learned that you dont really need to get excited, just get like kind of anticipated...its not amazing