Saturday, June 12, 2010

i think about you in the suuummer time. ooOOoohhhhh!

yep. new kids.
im pretty sure that theyre completely called for right now.

also this blog has taken a shit long time to actually write (looking like about 2 weeks lol, so theres probably going to be a lot of like continuity issues and fun stuff like that)

so im not really sure how this is going to work. like i have to sum up like 2 months of intense life and shout outs into like 25 pages of blog and im not really sure how or if it can be done...but lets give this a try, ok?

so. this is the first of probably several attempts at writing this bad boy. its 224 am friday june 12 (technically saturday morning). ive been home from work for about an hour now, my hands are suuuuuper chapped, my feet / legs hurt a lot, i really should be sleeping and my itunes randomizer just put some meshuggah on. this is kinda pretty nice.

so ill do the steve news in chunks and get this stuff out of the way

april. probably just exams all month. too tired to remember that well. moved out of whidden, didnt blog. pretty shit actually.

may. back from school, looked for jobs, looked for jobs, looked for jobs, got screwed out of jobs, looked for jobs, thought about student debt, looked for jobs, didnt get marks back, looked for jobs. i think thats it. pretty shit as well. also i looked for jobs.

may / june weekend comma few days after. luck streak. checked out concert band arts night on thursday, massively epic weekend (later in the post), got g2, got a job, got marks, learned that i passed all of my classes (wasnt really sure lol), ate some double downs...i think thats it...w.e. reaaallly good coupla days

june till now. loving the shit out of days where i dont have to work, another epppic weekend (might be below, havent decided), realized new job is poo, looked(ing) for jobs, got canned from new job (read somewhere below), looking for jobs

pretty much it.

k good start

alright so im pretty sure that the post is going to be the carol / etc party from like 3 years ago (because im pretty sure that i will get murdered if i dont put this in lol), cottage weekend with the boys from like 2 weeks ago and then some random other stuff that comes to me as i go. sounds good.

k chapter 1: party shortly after school ended in the hammer

preamble. shortly after first year ended and house party at amelia / jackie / sam / paula / alexs house. the plan was to go there and get really hammered and have a good time, then banjo will show up at some point, rinse, repeat.

also i should point out that theres a really really good chance that this is not going to be accurate at all; this was actually the roughest night that ive EVER had so most of my information is a combination of my own super blurry memory and what amber told me like 2ish days later. alllso this was like a bunch of time ago and my own memory is bad anyways. so dont count on this being right at all.

k yeah so bussed down. got there, got to drinking. pretty cool, drank, hung out, apparently had amber like feed me drinks or something, throw up, throw up some more, whatever. theres also TON of scenes missing here, so dont be very mad if i left something out around here. after throwing up a looot (apparently did a tag throw up in the toilet with jackies sister (name? lol)) i went to like try to sleep it off. the only thing was that this was still really early in the night, so i was like, yeah ill go find someplace quiet, where there wont be much traffic so i can sleep in peace. nice, so went to sleep on the super dirty / dingy furnace room floor. good night. the end.

definitely not. so i woke up when some douche was trying to like pants me or something. like i was really drunk and not really sure what was happening, but it was super super super awk. and im pretty sure that i like tried to fight the dick...which was understandable, because i was like passed out and just was like attempted to be pants'd. but yeah, woke back up and had a pretty good rest of the night, like just hung out and listened to music (from my ipod on a dock / station thing (remember this)) with people and it was pretty awesome. went to sleep on the floor in the basement. nice.

cool. next morning. pretty sick. i woke up really cold in my jacket in the basement on the floor pretty early and couldnt find my bag that had my hangover powerade in it, cool, go back to sleep, dont matter. went back to sleep for a bit woke up and did the hang out with some of the friends of friends that i had no idea who they were for a minute. pretty cool, i was hung over and super tired, so i figured i should try to get home and get a LOT of sleep. im not really sure what time this was, but i think paula was up (regardless, i left my bag in her room) and i went to go look for it. it wasnt there. cool. i remember that i left my ipod in the player, so i went to get that. wasnt there. also cool. "have you guys seen my bag or ipod?" "nope." sick. so looked for a bit, gave up. i still had my wallet and phone on me, so that was KIND OF a win? i guess?

so good morning so far. my worst night / hangover ever and my stuff is all gone. looks like im ready to take on the day.

yep, so the plan was to bus back to TO, then get to newmarket, home and bed. of course, the bus to toronto was standing room only, but i looked / was really pissed off so i was able to get a super cramped seat. kinda win. i got an aisle seat, which means that i was in really close proximity to the seats next to me, which had a girl and a nice little, loud guy, who was clearly drinking some (lots) crown royal on the bus...i felt a little better.

my bus was actually like 5 mins late, which meant that i missed my connecting bus to newmarket, which meant that i was stuck, smelly and really hung over at like noon in TO. greaaat. drunk guy was hanging around the bus loop as well and he looked like he needed some company, which meant that i would be spending the majority of my hour there at the eatons centre. it was actually pretty nice, like it was a sick day, hella sunny, nice breeze, good hangover cure stuff. so walking around, i figured that i would be able to stomach a smoothie. healthy(ish) pretty light, should be good. i got all of it down, felt great. todays going to be pretty good.

k back on the bus. just stomached a smoothie, theres plenty of room on the bus, like i got my own double seat and there wasnt anyone around me at all. siiiick. this days starting to turn around. buuuuut, the drunk dude made an unexpected and unwelcome comeback to the story and boarded the bus. i try to stare away from where that dude would look and i tired to look as pissed off as possible so that he wouldnt talk to me. i dont really want to sound like a dick, but usually when theres an awk stranger that likes to strike up random convos with people they ALWAYS talk to me. like without fail...he sat right behind me.

k so panic mode enabled. like he was really really drunk and kind of a dick. on the bus from the hammer to TO, i overheard (was forced to hear) him talking to some girls about how it was really stupid of them that they were going to shop at the eatons centre. so he was sitting behind me, and i KNEW that he was going to strike up some sort of convo. so usually in this situation, the proper dodge is to put in headphones and either turn them up really loudly or to just put them in and ignore everyone. good thing my ipod was stolen. this was going to be rough. so i went for the prop my head on the window and pretend that im sleeping. this was a risky move, because he was drunk and couldnt see that i my eyes were closed. but it was my only option. so im trying to hide and this dude just starts talking loudly. i assume its at me, but it doesnt seem like he has a specific target, so im sleeping. aaaand theres a lot of traffic, this is going to be shit. he keeps that up for a second, then he changes his game up, opting for the "oh dont worry, no ones talking to you!" method. crafty. im like 300% sure that hes talking to me, so i went for the probably less messy option half turning around and going "what me?" but im pretty sure that he was too drunk to notice that i was trying to make an effort to make him be quieter. shit. this happened again, but he heard me, so he said something kinda drunkenly to me that i didnt understand and i turned around and pretend that i was sleeping again. several minutes later, he passed out. like by that time it was probably close to 3pm, hes had a long day and needed a nap.

so by now, im assuming that the readers are thinking that this story is over. its been long and grueling, but this is the return post, so i gotta keep this bad boy going.

k so the classy part of the story. remember when i said that i was like the most hungover that ive ever been? and that i had just had a smoothie that i (at the time) kept down? and that there was a lot of traffic, which ended up with the bus stopping and starting A LOT. great. at least drunk guy was asleep. so i actually tried to sleep, like i wasnt doing anything else. so. eyes closed a lot plus stop+start traffic was great. im not really sure how close to the aurora exit we were, but at some point i had a bit of a spit throw up. like not a lot, like just what you would do if you were to do a spit. i had some napkins in my pocket. taken care of. buuut. that wasnt the end of it. a few minutes later, i had quite a large bit of throw up happen. like for some reason i had a crap ton of napkins in my pocket, but this was an angry smoothie. yep. threw up on the bus on the highway. classssssssyyyyy. and there was still at least a bunch of exits before the bus even thinks about stopping / getting off of the highway. sooooo, i ended up like holding onto some throw up napkins, hoping that i didnt get leaked on. claaaasssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. also groooosssssssssssss.

then it got kinda shitty. i jumped out of the bus at the aurora exit and ran to the ditch right near the bus loop and threw what was left of my guts out into a small puddle. it was really sad. i grabbed a picture on the phone. ill put it on the fb at some point not really. so my mom was supposed to pick me up in newmarket, but she had to come get me at aurora and 404. and this part was especially good, because she doesnt really like me drinking at all, let alone doing this. but w.e she was as cool with it as possible. i guess thats a win.

then i went home and slept for a while, then showered sooo much shit off of me. roooouuuuuggghhhh night.

k there. that party is posted finally. f carol.

part 2: doing the drinking thing at the cottage

yessir. gooooood times at taylors cottage in midland. this one was also a little while ago, so some of the details might not be 100%...but yeah still probably decent.

k yea, so arts night to see the concert band on thursday (nostalgia) (epic), then did the thing to midland. drove up with ryan, kyle and amber. deefinitely epic. basically got there and spent a shit ton of money on groceries and pizza and necessities along those lines.

yeap, so we got to the cottage at like 6 or 7 or sometime, got our rooms, had pizza, then started drinking and jamming. it was like electric bass, guitar, acoustic guitar and spoons. i think. w.e, still awesome.

but yeah, like pretty much the whole night was just drinking a lot of beers and hanging out at a cottage. not really THAT much to say (this is like my 9th day of writing the blog and i want this to get published lol), but like it was really awesome. like there was drunk campfire jamming, everyone was hanging out and talking and drinking and i heart to hearted with most of the people and pokemons and nirk threw up what looked like throw up and blood. gooood night.

day 2, this one was pretty much the best. basically, the morning was waking up at like 930 (soooooooo shit), taylor cleaning up the bloody throw up mess that nirk put in the bathroom (which ended up being throw up and he had cut his foot, but the two substances blended really well together, making us think that he threw up blood, but we were too drunk to do much about it lol). so yeah cleaned that, figured out what to do for food / rest of the day. steve bone is a champ and the second he learned that he didnt have to drive anywhere, he immediately grabbed a beer...i think that this happened at like 10isshhhh. w.e champ. i mean. everyone else at least had SOME control and started drinking at like 1 or 2? sometime like that. early enough to be sweet, but late enough to still have a bit of class.

pretty chill (lol) day, shit ton of time spent sitting at the dock and drinking and pokemoning and stuff. like the most work that we did was we helped taylors neighbour float out his dock. which actually sucked and was a lot of work, but we each got a beer for helping (and there was like 6 or 7 of us lol), so successful mission. then swimming. i went out with steve first, because everyone else are huge dicks. and just the way that the lake is laid out, its like a 15 minute walk through waistish deep water to get to the actual deep part, which kind of just drops to like 890435 feet deep water. and that wasnt too bad, the only problem being that there was a strip of like land / seabed that was just COVERED in zebra mussels. and this was my first time with them, and i didnt know how much of a huge cock they were...they are. but yeah, we had a raft and basically spent a while just hanging out in the deep water riding waves in a small raft thing. really cool. and kyle and taylor eventually showed up once we got cold, but they were high as balls, so it was cool. also walking back to shore was basically the worst time of my life. baaaaaasically.

k so some notes, sometime during the day, we stopped playing smash / drink bros for a few minutes and broke out the ingredients for liquid cocaine. niiiiiicccccceeeeee. very few of the team had had this before and nick has had it a coupla times, and that was all that i drank at whidden. the last couple of times that i had it, the night ended up really poorly, so i havent had it in like months. everyone had a shot and theyre like "oh man, this is like the best drink that has ever existed ever!" and im like "yeah it sure is...[goes to like throw up because i cant stand the taste anymore]" but i powered through and everyone else power loved that shit. it got really rough really fast lol.

cool scene right here. most of us are hanging out on the dock, and like everyones back to beers. its pretty quiet, sunny. gooood scene. so yeah nick stumbles down the dock, like suuuper drunk and high and stuff. and its a long dock and he had a bit of trouble getting to the end of it where we were sitting. and when he gets there were all like nick you need to like sit down and drink less and stuff or youll like fall in the water. so hes like "derp im not goirng to fall in!" and he started like doing a jig and almost falling over the people that were on the dock. then something epic happened. hes like "im not drunk guys, check this!". so the dock is one of those docks where it has all of those hollow poles sticking straight up and into the ground to keep it from floating away. what happened was nirk took a run at the pole on the corner of the dock, grabbed it and did a like 360 swing trick thing. his feet actually made it, but they slipped or he didnt have enough momentum or something, so the other 90% of his body made it to the water. like face first into the (not very deep) water. it happened soooo so fast no one knew what to do at all. after he landed, we all just kinda sat there as he was lying face first in the water for a minute. it wasnt like we thought he was dead or anything, it was just that that was probably the funniest things that any of us had ever seen and we werent really sure how to respond to that situation. after like 5 seconds he got up and jumped back on the dock, completely soaked and was like "why am i arll wet? haow did i farll in the warter?!" epic. chelsea grabbed a picture of him and her or someone else took him back to the cottage and on the way back he started swinging on the smaller poles near the other end of the dock. he wasnt like running or anything, it was just like scary / hilarious because there was a humongous chance that he was going to fall in again. long story short, nirk had surgery a few days ago to realign his nose because it was like broken or otherwise not happy with him.

k so back to the actual cottage for dinner (or maybe a different reason, w.e) and ryan and kyle are just doing some pretty slow jam and we can see nirk headbanging like crazy to this thing. suuuuper good. then he lost his balance and tried to steady himself on a wall, which turned out to be a guitar case, which turned out to not be as steady as he thought, which caused him to very hilariously fall over. he shrugged that one off and started dancing in the kitchen, where there also happens to be a step that has a sort of metal edge / tread thing, which turns out to be at least a little bit sharp. and as the easiest sequence of events that exists draws to a close, we pick up nick and take him to his bed to sleep it off. eppiiiccccc.

then shit tons more drinking, hanging out, smash bros, heart to hearts, and other drunken stuff happened. successful night.

day three was also awesome. cleaning up beers, eating, cleaning up the house, getting tfo, hitting dq in midland, getting home and showered for like an hour. gooood times

also note. pretty much like eating the ENTIRE weekend. like oh some of us are kinda hungry for lunch. then steve bone would drink and bbq stuff for everyone, which would result in everyone going that was tasty, but way more of that would be really kickass right now...which is how the whole weekend went.

also two more things. 1. tacos are sick for cottage food. like just a clustereff of everyone eating whatever they want and not very much effort went into the actual preparation. 2. fried egg on a burger with fried onions on it is siiiccckkkkk. 3. fried pineapple is SIIIIICCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. like literally, its better than regular pineapple in every way, except sometimes they hurt your mouth. sick

part 3: some bitter stuff about working (pretty shit, you can skip if you want to)

k so i got (had) a job. as you may or may not have read or remembered, i spent most of may looking for employment. like it was waay more work and stress than a real job is / would have been. shit everywhere. but after kickass weekend (up), amber and kyle told me that that shoeless joes was actually super desperate for some dishwashers. down. so yeah that was sunday, applied on monday, got a call for an interview to happen at 8:30 on tuesday at 8:00, apparently got called saying i had the job at 8:45 (didnt go straight home), found out i had the job on starcraft at like 1030ish and first shift was wednesday at 6:00. pretty sweet i guess...i guess nothing is up.

yep, super excited for job and i got there 10 mins early, you know, being polite and showing that im a good worker and stuff. yeahhhh. i get there at 5:50 and i go in through the front door and the girl at the front was like "hey welcome to shoeless joes" and i was like "oh hey i actually work here, can you like help me out?" super awk, but thats to be expected...still okay. theres like 9 people in the store right now, including the two servers.

yep, so i get to the back and the boss was like oh well the person thats training you isnt here yet, so go sit in a booth somewhere until she gets here...wait really? no like oh hey thanks for coming in, welcome to the joes, hi, nothing. just go sit. still okay i guess, kinda weird, but w.e im employed, moneys on the way.

training was easy. heres the whole job in a nutshell: get not very clean dishes, waste water, get "managed" (the boss is a humongous cock), rinse, repeat.

shift two. thursday i called back to check when second shift was. when i called i was like yeah sup when do i work and theyre like the girl that does the scheduling isnt in, call back tomorrow. cool, i probably dont work tomorrow, i guess ill make plans to go do stuff. so i called friday at 4pm and the girl was like oh i havent made the schedule yet, call back in like 2 hours. did. 6:15ish pm i called and the girl was like, oh, youre actually working now. wait what? she like oh yeah this is actually your shift right now, come in. the fuck? i just called like 2 hours ago AND yesterday...long story short, i caved and went in. so yeah, this was my second shift, so i have no idea what im doing AND its the friday night dinner rush, really fml. needless to say, it was a ballsack of a few hours. i got told to work faster, because its my second day and its friday and im not doing that well.....yeah. and the bitch of the thing is a few days later i learn that someone had actually just called in sick for their shift and they just dumped / guilted it into me. great...this might not be the best job ever.

yeah so two more shifts. im kinda slow, but mostly because i just did the go on autopilot and get this bitch done. not SUPER efficient, but w.e. also its a good point to note that during all of my shifts, the boss only told me things like "work faster" and
"hey you need a hairnet before you can work"
"okay [theyre in his office], can you get one for me?"
"yeah just wait right there, ill get one for you"
[time passes]

pretty weird first two weeks of this job, but w.e i dont need more student debt, ill try to keep doing this.

so sunday im at chris/matts house playing some video games when i get a call from my mom saying i should call shoeless to talk to the manager. hmmmm. did and the boss wasnt there, so i talked to the new supervisor, who had been there for one week (one being less than two (this dudes okay tho...hes not a huge penis)). hes like yeah so its been decided that its in the stores interests for us to part ways. wait, really?! i was blown away. like arent you guys super hard for employees that dont hate you? plus like ive had 4 shifts, including training, two fridays and the stanley cup final. you think you can make a good call about this? i actually didnt say much of that tho, just like the shock and awe stuff. i REALLY hated that job and im pretty sure that i would get kicked out of my house if i had voluntarily was actually kinda nice. i think.

f it.

but yeah. ive officially been fired from a job now. cool.

but some notes on the actual firing, i did some texting and it turns out that the same day that i got fired, two of the servers walked out and within a few days kyle (and probably more people) got laid off (fired). kinda badass.

part 4: some notes before i wrap this bad boy up.

yeah so new band that is super awesome called cloudkicker. im not really sure if theyre actually new, but w.e, give them a listen. pretty progressive, really really badass. like do it. all of the music is free too, so thars no reason not to lol
do the ]]][[[ album first. % is super sick

speaking of super sweet bands, the american dollar will be doing its first canadian tour in like 2 weeks
aside from some other dates that are semi nearby, they will be in TO on tuesday june 29th and wednesday june 30th in hamilton at casbah. everyone is expected to be in attendance. ESPECIALLY for the one in hamilton. its one bus away from mac and its super convenient and its going to be THE BEST. like seriously. maybe some drinks at chez steve / others lol. DEFINITELY be there. like be there.
also be at the show in TO. ill probably make a couple of obnoxious facebook events so that everyone knows about this stuff. be there.

yeah and i might have talked about this a little earlier, but like last week or two weeks ago i went to buffalo with tim...pretty much just to get a (two) double down...for those unfortunates that still dont know what that is, click somewhere around here. yeah, i actually had two and they were the BEST things that i have ever tasted. like not even joking, the BEST. it was a greasy taste explosion in my whole body. like not even in my mouth...alllll over.

also im pretty sure that i havent felt worse than i did about 10 minutes after the completing the meal.

woooorrrrtttthhhhhhh iiiittttttt

also it looks like im officially at 7 subscribers. really awesome. so thanks to peter kim for doing the sub thing SOME time ago, sick...also anyone else who is reading this now, or reads it regularly should probably subscribe too


yeap and speaking of peter kim, its looking like funtimes in the hammer this weekend. so anyone who cares should come hang out...and also (and especially) at the american dollar concert. yeaaahhhh. EDIT: ditched that weekend lol, but come to the concert

also since im technically a blogger, i should probably do some sort of like keep everyone posted on entertainment or something. k. mmvas were today (sunday lol) and miley cyrus probably did something slutty (edit: its like tuesday and im 99% sure that she did). also a bunch of "musicians" won "awards". yeah. thats it for entertainment news...hopefully forever.

also for the nerds out there, go here
its dragon ball z, recut and dubbed over. the first couple arent THAT great, but once it gets going, it gets friggin going. really good stuff right here.

also one more little story before i go (this might turn into a post, but hopefully not and these things are kinda cool). so last friday (the one like a week after i started my post) i hit the VI. aside from the obvious awesomeness that comes from this, theres two things that i want to talk about. ONE was that i met a dude in the washroom and i convinced him that he was my reading buddy when i was in grade 1. yeah i know right? like we both entered the bathroom at the same time and when i was waiting to use the sink, i was like "hey so this might be weird, but i think you were my reading buddy in like grade one or something" and he was all like "the fuck? i mean i mighta been", then pulled out "did you go to w h day as a lad?" and he goes "yeah i sure did", which causes me to say something like "checkmate" or "f yeah", and more convo that i cant really remember happened, and but it ended in me actually convincing him that he was my reading buddy from like 15ish years ago. and i saw him a couple more times that night and every time he was like HEY MAANNN and i was like NO WAAAYYYYY. awesome.

part 2 of this is that when drunk im still basically my same awesome self. as in, i joined a blues band when i was there lol. like a year ago, when i was still trying to get into jazz programs (before i came to my senses) i went to this 'learn jazz weekend' thing at humber and i met this dude that plays guitar that lives in bford. i havent seen him since then, but i noticed him at the vi and i was like are you that dude? and he was like yeah i think so. and we talked about how shit humber is for a minute and went on our separate ways. we met up again and hes like you play some instrument right? and i was like, yeah i haul ass at drums and he was like you want to join my blues band? hell yes i do. i already have a bunch of bands going right now, but blues is sick and i have never been in blues band before. pretty cool. we were supposed to jam today (tuesday, the day that the thing was actually posted), but im sick, so f it.

k also super secret thing. if someone from whidden hall room 247 is reading this because theres some side of beer box that his this address written on it. then way to go. i definitely lived in the c part of the room. so feel awesome if you live there now. and like shoot me a message sometime. (fun fact if youre not the person in c, i think blair lived in a and peter lived in b...or the other way around. w.e, its cool)


also yeah, sorry if anyone read that bitter job stuff. it stopped being interesting to write about halfway through but by that time it was like 145am and i wanted to get SOMETHING done tonight (tuesday, but technically wednesday). this thing is a beast

ending stuff. FINALLY.

right now: skttrbrain - four tet remix of a radiohead song
on deck: whatever not doing the blog for another 40 weeks sounds like.
too much: cloudkicker. soooooo good. mostly that ]]][[[ album, but its all good. also talking heads. im not sure if that was on the lastish post, but remain in light is a kickass album.
old one thats actually pretty cool?: hmmmmmm get back to me on this. nothing springs to mind.

shots out
k so a TON of people wanted shout outs and ima try to get all of them. but i probably wont, so dont be that mad if you should be shouted out, but werent, because i forgot. my bad.

k first. friggin carol. shout out to her for being a huge...friend and like bitching me out like every day to get this bad boy done. but yeah, heres the shoutout, enjoy it because there probably wont be another one for like 3 years.

first story: shout out to jackie, sam, carol, paula and alex for supplying the house. and to their shady friends being cool and hopefully selling my ipod for more money than its worth.

second story: shout out to taylor for supplying the cottage and for sean, ryan, kyle, chelsea, amber, steve bone and nirk and i think thats it for being cool.

third story: i dunno. shout out winida for being a douche.

others that werent really in stories but needed to be shouted out: shout out amber lindsay for sending me the like drunkest texts asking for a shout out ever. and for apparently getting me suuuper hammered at that first storys house.

shout out to angie for leaving for 8 weeks right now, pretty badass. and ima clump doug, doug, smart and elly into one. just for being cool i guess. shouted out in teh lamest way possible lol

thats all i can think of off hand. ship me an angry facebook message if i missed you

k. done. so this has taken 10 days. and its finally done. f EVERYBODY. this took way too much time. im going to try to post more, but i have more of a life in bford than i did / do in the hammer, so its hard to get this stuff done.

for future reference, the post went up at about 12:30 am on tuesday, june 22 (TECHNICALLY wednesday). not like the 10 days ago that blogger says.

yeah. gg.